I've got lots of relatives who lived in the Stockton/San Juaquin Valley area who've left for Texas and other parts of the country. My one cousin
simply could no longer afford to live in Hayward area moved up to Pleasanton and is looking for land out of state for his retirement.
I loved the Susanville area when I visited it back in the 80's but from what all the folks there told me without the now closed Herlong Army Depot
and it's 300 plus soldiers stationed there most of the area would've gone bust years ago.
I'm 44 and even with my Air Force retirement pay, I've got to work to live as a single man. I can't imagine how tough it is find work in some
rural areas of the country. I've got to commute into town here for work and it sucks.
I've got a family social network to fall back onto(We've got land) in case of total economic collapse but I don't know what's going to happen to
folks living paycheck to paycheck in CA.
it's simple we suffer...period. Either live beyond spartanly and see your self esteem slowly melt away from feeling traped and helpless, ot ruin
your credit get what you feel you deserve and suffer when the bills have to be paid down the road and ther's still no money. It's a no win
situation. Even some of the rich are faking it now.
NW Arkansas is my choice. Affordable land, rivers, trees, decent climate, little or no crime, and it's far enough away from major metropolitan areas.
The Ozark mountains are beautiful and the land is fertile.
Arkansas was suprising to me. I expected more of kansas. Instead I got friendlier people, and the land is actually quite beautiful. Arkansas was
good to me, and the people I meet had an old laidback sorta charm.