posted on Jan, 19 2007 @ 06:06 PM
Most of that video was the same boring old crap that has been spurted for nearly four years. I actually thought that something new was going to be
offered. As for the border security forces I guess the maker of the video expects us to think better late then never.
It has proven that elections in Iraq havnt brought security to the country anyone who thought that Elections would improve the security situation is
removed from reality.
The increase in cell phone usage wont show any benefits until the security situation improves. As for the Iraqi security forces they are easily
infiltrated because of the lack of screening enough said.
I have left the good news to last it is very good to hear that Iraqi kids are getting Polio vaccination's. One health program dosnt outweigh all of
Iraq's other problems despite what the American right would try to claim.
There are other story's that mention the Polio vaccination's minus the rest of the propaganda.