posted on Jan, 20 2007 @ 09:10 AM
Originally posted by Selmer2
G'Day from a fellow Aussie
Its good that you posted this OP, but it's safe to say this is not a chemtrail
chemtrails are an organized operation that look quite unnatural and consist of long straight lines maybe crossed overlines covering a logical area.
This does not serve the purpose of a chemtrail, no substantial coverage and indeed strange way for aircraft to fly.
Hmm, I wish it was that easy to definately say it's not a chemtrail.. Ordinary contrails usually dont form here in Perth, Western Australia. And the
photo was taken about a week ago, during January (summer) in Perth. Very warm and dry conditions. How do you know that chemtrails cant be different
shapes? Wouldnt it be in the best interests of whoever is spraying that they'd be undetected by the public? Sure the spray isnt as bold as some other
chem pics, but this isnt a hugely populated area compared to big US cities for example. Could it be a new type of chem they are trying to test? I
mean, lots of gases are invisible right? Funny the other week (Monday, January 8th 2007) there was a gas scare in the Coles supermarket here and also
cases of dead birds down south (Esperance) not to mention similar incidences internationally on the same day
Here is a photo of what happens to it 10 mins later.. There was a westerly sea breeze when it was 'sprayed', obviously to blow it into the populated
areas (inland).
Here is the 'cloud' another 8 mintues later about 4kms down the road, following it as the wind blows it. Easier to see with the eyes than with what
the camera could pick up anyway.
[edit on 20-1-2007 by AudioWhore]