posted on Jan, 18 2007 @ 01:31 AM
This whole Illuminati thing, bilderberg, skull and bones, freemasonry. It's like joining and being apart of the royal class on earth. In effect
becoming a God. Cheney, Rumsfeld, Wolfowitz, Bush's, these guy's are making so much money that our entire bloodline couldn't make the money they
are seeing. They are probably driving around in Rolls Royces, living in mansion's. They're very old individuals too. They probably can taste death
approaching and sold their souls to the devil. The people should make a daily blogger about the lives of these individuals. It sure will kick
"Crib's" in the ass, that's for sure.
What does everything in life come down to... Money! Money! Money!.... MOooney
I think this secret society is making people follow fictional entities. If they're number one motive is money and power, which it always is. They're
goal is globalization of their corporation's through war. If there isn't a government they can influence, like Iran, Iraq, Syria, North Korea, then
they're just going to have to bomb the crap out of them until they submit to the unbelievably rich people in the world of have come together to
control the people through their own governments.
By controlling all the governments, and making one world government, they are in effect making men and women of the world their slaves.
Power & Money = Human labor
They won't need to worry about GDP and GNP when they finally get a police state and having human labor at they're will. They won't need to pay
people. Just give them the bio chip and if they don't listen then, someone will take them out.
This Illuminati is not after global domination. They want their bloodline to be forever supported by the labor of human beings that fall below the
royal bloodline. I believe they call it selective breeding.
[edit on 1/18/2007 by atsrules]