posted on Jan, 18 2007 @ 11:41 PM
Originally posted by littlebird
HOW COME I CANNOT REPLY? on certain articles.
Are you sure you are logged in? The reply button only shows if you are logged in.
Anonymous posts can be done of course, but then it will not be posted into the thread itself but on the Anonymous Board. Only registered members can
reply directly to threads. And registration is free, so I really see no point not to register. But that's another story...
If the thread you want to reply to is on belowtopsecret (bts) or abovepolitics (pts), you might already be logged into ats but not necessarily on bts
or abovepolitics as well. Sometimes you need to login there as well, same username/password as you use on ats. Check if there is a "login" button at
the top of the page. If there is, then you are not logged in where the thread is (bts or pts perhaps?).
Also, if a thread has been closed (for some reason), there will be no reply buttons available for anybody. A closed thread is usually (always)
announced in the last post of the thread in question.