posted on Jan, 17 2007 @ 10:50 AM
Originally posted by Frakkerface
How would we ever know that disclosure was really disclosure & not just another political stunt?
You bring up a very good point Frakkerface. If there was a disclosure and the government admitted, yeah, UFO's are real and aliens are our friends,
they might also say, "Here some real pictures of a flying saucer, and oh, by the way, EBE IV, the current Resident Alien Ambassador has asked us
(through mental telepathy) to relay these requests to you, the public:"
Please support the presidents war in Iraq
Please pay your income tax on time and don't cheat.
Please register for your national ID implant
Please quit asking questions about whether or not we are going to Nuke Iran. If Iran needs nuking it will get Nuked. End of story.
And please support AIPAC with your contributions, cash, check or money order.