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Racism on Earth

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posted on Jan, 16 2007 @ 05:00 PM
The War on Terror is a War on muslim people. The War on Terror is a War on chinese people. The War on Terror is a War on the American way of life, (freedom of religion, freedom, democracy), The War on Terror was initiated by the murdering of Catholics, Christians, Jews, Muslims, Chinese, who all were in the Twin Towers when they detonated to the ground by America. The War on Terror is a "War OF Terror". Our government is on conjunction with the Israeli government and the British government on a campaign to rid the muslim world of their natural resources and kill them in the process. The War on Terror is a facist, nazi movement. The declaration of the War on Terror was the most disgusting thing I have ever seen in my life. A group of "WHITE" individuals in our government standing and clapping together in the name of white supremacy, war, and death.

You can claim that the Muslim's are after the west. But do you see them militarizing and murdering America's, Invading western countries, killing 100,000's of western civilians? The only civilan deaths were during 9/11 and we KNOW it was a "controlled demolition". It's scientific fact that indeed it was a controlled demolition. Go search but you may not wnat to know the truth, you may just want to agree and go murder innocent people because after all America is a nation of racists!

As soon as the Holy Land and the oil are feeding Israel, and Israel's country increases in size. There will be no more need for America. America is just used as a tool by the Zionist NWO to provide troops on the ground. Why do you think they want another 20,000 troops? They want to use any American Deaths to reach their goal before they need to use Israeli soliders which are limited.

Wake up and see the truth. We are being USED. We the people are NOT benefiting from this war. The corporations, the NWO, the warmongers, and the people in government are war profiteers. The soliders who die everyday their famliies and themselves will get NOTHINGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG.

The most we the people, the solider's fighting this war, and our children, and America's future stand to gain from this war is nothing, but we do get harmed.

America's soveriengty as a nation will be destroyed. It will be called the North American Union.

The american dollar will be the Amero.

Many of our family members would have died creating more racism and hate in our country.

We will initiate a Holy War which will result in the detainment and extermination of all Muslims and Chinese. Fema camps being setup as we speak.

Israel will finally regain the Holy Land and setup the Third temple that they seek to complete which will be built on Muslim Holy land after they conquer it. This will bring the Messiah son of David that they have been waiting for. They believe it will bring God to Earth.

Wake the # up cult leaders are destroying our world!!!

[edit on 16-1-2007 by acctnosam]

posted on Jan, 16 2007 @ 05:09 PM

Originally posted by acctnosam
The War on Terror is a War on muslim people. The War on Terror is a War on chinese people. The War on Terror is a War on the American way of life, (freedom of religion, freedom, democracy), The War on Terror was initiated by the murdering of Catholics, Christians, Jews, Muslims, Chinese, who all were in the Twin Towers when they detonated to the ground by America.
[edit on 16-1-2007 by acctnosam]

That's about where I quit reading as it is apparent to me that you are clueless. I really believe that people come up with their own wool to pull over their eyes. :shk:

posted on Jan, 16 2007 @ 07:33 PM

Originally posted by XphilesPhan

Originally posted by acctnosam
The War on Terror is a War on muslim people. The War on Terror is a War on chinese people. The War on Terror is a War on the American way of life, (freedom of religion, freedom, democracy), The War on Terror was initiated by the murdering of Catholics, Christians, Jews, Muslims, Chinese, who all were in the Twin Towers when they detonated to the ground by America.
[edit on 16-1-2007 by acctnosam]

That's about where I quit reading as it is apparent to me that you are clueless. I really believe that people come up with their own wool to pull over their eyes. :shk:

Am I really?
1. North American Union
2. Talks of Amero
3. Sharon say's Israel controls America
4. Muslim's being slaughtered in Iraq
5. Iran being threatned by increasing American troops surrounding them.
6. Pipeline's in Afghanistan
7. Osama bin laden ties to Bush Family
8. Controlled demolition theory's of WTC
9. WTC7 housed CIA, Secret Service, was not hit by a plane, but demolished like the towers.
10. Silverstien say's "pull it" on september 11 refering to WTC7.
11. YOu're the IdioT!! U NOOB

posted on Jan, 16 2007 @ 07:49 PM
No need for name calling in here so cool it.

Personaly I am more worried about Racism OFF Earth than the concept you propose. I agree that you should do a bit more research and refine your theory. IMHO it needs work.

posted on Jan, 16 2007 @ 07:54 PM
Actually it doesn't need work. There are many theories to this problem. That is because there are many players in this war. We have war profiteers, we have Israel trying to expand it's country, we have American corporation's going after natural resources, we have soliders fighting for their country, we have soliders fighting out of blind hatred for muslims, we have a free country labeling muslims as terrorists, we have people calling facts conspiracies, we have just ignorant people who love suffering, we have white supremacy influenced individuals.

In my view there are a bunch of conspiracies going on. The fact that corporations like boeing, haliburton, etc. have a similar interest in the Middle East like Israel show's that they are both in it together.

posted on Jan, 16 2007 @ 07:55 PM
What I'm getting at is although RACISM might not be the number one reason for this war. It definitely is a mechanism to get us into the war, and a mechanism that is keeping people from actually trying to stop the war. They don't care as long as its not christians dieing. Thats the real reason.

posted on Jan, 16 2007 @ 08:05 PM
Ok so lets factor this in. Islam is not a race. Prior to 9/11 most people didnt give much thought to middle east Islam. Islam is not the cause of terrorism. Most soldiers are not, and did not join the military as, muslim haters, although some do get conditioned to be so as is common in war. Many muslims are white skinned.

Racism would be hating them because of their genetic makeup, or more pointedly, their skin color. The war on terror has nothing to to with skin color. As I said, your concept needs work.

posted on Jan, 16 2007 @ 08:10 PM
Most soldiers are not, you see even you're statements need work because how can you determine if it's most or not most. U just guess like I do

posted on Jan, 16 2007 @ 08:50 PM
No, what he is saying is that you are confusing racism with religous baisedness/prejudice. When you really break this down we have two conflicts going on. One is the conflict with radical islam (east versus west as it has been for 1,000 years) and the conflict against perceived prejudice or the PC war. You can only be politically correct to a certain extent before you begin impeding on a basic human decision making process. think about it for a second, people begin "descriminating" at a very young age. People descriminate agianst what foods they dont want to eat, against people they choose not to associate with, etc.

Descrimination is merely a basic decision making process. IF you want to stamp out the idea of racism then get off your soapbox and just LIVE! too most people in this day and age the idea of racism is an alien one.

posted on Jan, 17 2007 @ 08:26 AM
Sorry dude,

But I see the radical type muslims murdering anyone and everyone who gets in thier way and can be made vulnurable. The ones they seem to be murdering the most is other muslims. THey will go after anyone to get a few they want. They have aptly demonstrated this over and over and over. The news and information outlets do not post this view for what it is.

To me the radical muslims must have their boogy man too. I dont buy it.
THey are no different than others who need boogymen to justify thier existance.

Also if we were so after muslims here in America and are such racists the muslims here would be fleeing and exiting this country in droves. You dont see that happening. It doesnt wash to anyone who can see past a public education majoring in emotions and panic. This is not Jerry Springer. Do I need to take a lie detector test on that one?? DNA Test??

I dont buy your racist statements in an attempt to fit everyone under your racist umbrella.

I think you have gotten to big a dose of public education. Translate that a television education.

I dont buy into that White Supremicy stuff you post. You would be surprised to find out how racist many orientals are. What the orientals are is very discrete in how they let it show unlike many peoples...but they can be very racist. Most westerners would be very hard pressed to detect this among orientals.
I also know that certain Jews are very racist..even among themselves and other Jews. In short it takes place among many manner not known or taught in education to others.
The standard mantra is that only Americans can be racist and particularly white Americans. I dont buy into this. It is a phoney.

Only public education/television education..can dumb a people down so far in this ignorant mantra in an attempt to stupid people down and let others play through unchallanged.

In short..the term Racism is a term or label used to censor others so as to allow certain other peoples or groups to play through unchallanged by this censorship. It works well among the overly emotional Television educated.

I dont buy into this conditioning/programming/control mechanism. It is a phoney.

One more thing. I is not a scientific fact what happened on 9/11. It is a psuedo fact made so by speculation and repetition...especially on sites/blogs like ATS/BTS.

Work on this one much harder to sell it to people who have not been properly and emotionally conditioned.


posted on Jan, 17 2007 @ 12:22 PM
Okay, I'd also suggest you calm down because on this Website going like that, you'll just get your ass handed over by people who worked on the subject like For a Very Long time

A lot of your points are debatable...

The North American Union\Amero (it goes pretty much together):

Pretty unrealistic given the low stability of Mexico and the Separatist Treat in Canada (in Quebec to be precise)
I could go in further but it was already covered that in the near future it doesnt seem plausible

The controlled demolition Theory... Well I'm not one of those beef analyst but surely someone will come over and tell you that they are Way many theories, and as much unproven (because the official story might be dubious doesnt make a conspiracy closer to Truth )

If Israel Controls so much of the US, Why the hell don't they ask the pentagon to relocate their outer sea personnel and their military assets to the middle east? There are Way More troops still in the US and Europe than there is in Iraq, even with that little 20 000 troops more

Hell if it's only for the Israeli people... Bring up those fuel airbombs and massdestruction stuff and simply SteamRoll the Area! No need to try to limit civilans Casualties. Simply line up a few hundred Abrahams and crush the cities...

AS for those Detainment camps being setup as we speak... many of those were debunked by members of the site living near those Supposed sites...

Given the Military and Industrial Capability of North America, the muslims would already be extinct if the US was to set up a mass genocide program

Anyway, Globaly I understand XphilesPhan of saying you are clueless because your points need more concrete, right now it Lacks Solid Reasoning

[edit on 17-1-2007 by CanadianGlasnost]

posted on Jan, 17 2007 @ 03:41 PM
The fight between radical islam, and radical christianity is a war over a thousand years old, and it shows all the signs of continuing on for another thousand years. Little or nothing you or I say is going to halt it.

Israel controls America? Wow. That's right off a White Supremist talking points sheet itself.

The rest of your theories need work as well.

I would also advise you to moderate your reactions to discenting opinion or your stay here will be very short.

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