posted on Jan, 15 2007 @ 11:32 AM
I was rereading my new issue of Discover and there was an article on the work of a gentleman named Aaron Koblin (page 22). He took flight data from
FAA for a 28 hour timeframe and plotted it.
The article makes mention of the fact that there are flights that seem to begin and end a couple of hundred miles off of California where there is
nothing but ocean. It was only a paragraph about it, but it caught my attention. So I found his website and it has quicktime videos showing the data
graphed in different ways. One video shows a detail area of Hawaii and California, and there does seem to be flights arriving and departing the area
mentioned off the coast.
I tried to look at Google maps and view the Video side by side to see the reason for data. Since I don't leave in the west coast maybe someone here
has an explanation for the flight data?
Here is the website and the link to the videos.