posted on Jan, 11 2007 @ 12:03 PM
Us troops assisted by helicopters raided the Iranian consulate in Arbil, Kurdish Iraq. The raid resulted in the arrest of six individuals. The
Kurdish prime minister and president was quick to denounced the raid and ask for the release of those detained. NPR also reported that there was a
tense confrotation between Kurdish and US forces shortly after the operation.
US forces, backed by helicopters, have raided the Iranian consulate's offices in Arbil, the Kurdish capital in northern Iraq.
A number of arrests were made and computers and documents seized during Thursday's raids.
An Iranian foreign ministry official said US troops arrested five staff members, including diplomats and staff.
Please visit the link provided for the complete story.
This article comes from Al Jazeera but the incident was also aired on NPR this morning. Besides the obvious belief on the part of the administration
that this consulate may have been involved in supplying Iraqi Shia with arms, is this a 'new' get tough attitude with Iran? The Kurd's have been the
most supportive faction in Iraq from the US perspective and they appeared to be genuinely upset by this action. Suggesting that perhaps it was
contrary to international law.
Was this the exclamation point to Bush's new way forward strategy? Are we successful enough in Iraq now to call out Iran? Why in Kurdish Iraq
and not a Shia stronghold? It is a most undiplomatic move and won't help our with the Kurds let alone other Iraqi's.
Is this just more of the same random policy of Bush or is there a method to his madness?