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My Visit with NY 9/11 Truth

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posted on Jan, 11 2007 @ 10:09 PM

Originally posted by SkepticOverlord
I know one thing... there is only one way to break through and reach "joe six pack", and that is to mimic consumer advertising.

If 9/11 conspiracies were a product, how would we brand it?

Once we have a brand, how do we communicate it?

And once we communicate and have awareness, how do we "sell it"?

And these are the things I can help with.

Well "joe six pack" loves only a few things, porn, beer, pizza, sports, video games and cable TV, if somehow you can derive or market it that way "joe six pack" will subscribe.



posted on Jan, 11 2007 @ 10:47 PM
I believe Willard has a point. That's why I asked Skeptic what it was that brought him to study 9/11 theories. If we could come up with one thing to start people asking questions, then we might have something here.

posted on Jan, 11 2007 @ 11:21 PM
One question is to ask is how 9/11 is tied to Oklahoma City


the other question is 'why shoot down flight 93" if you planned it?

There are many holes, but it is proof not conjecture that is needed. I have always said if true proof and not sepculation was observed it would all be put to rest. It is too large to compartmentalize. Disprove all the official statements rather than trying to prove your theory. Breakdown first what you want to prove.

My main thoughts go to the families. It is a cool thing that you can gather in that type of situation. I guess the NWO hasn't stopped free thinking yet, huh?

posted on Jan, 12 2007 @ 12:47 AM

Originally posted by Willard856
Forget referencing Northwoods, most people who can read can tell that it is old, never got approved, and is a big leap from going from something like that to something like 9/11. !

I think that Northwoods is exactly what "joe six pack" needs to know about and would/could be the hook that would be the perfect marketing tool to get "joe" to begin questioning the official story.

posted on Jan, 12 2007 @ 03:06 AM
Well, that's your perogative. But I've shown the Northwoods document to friends, and commented that some people point to it as justification for believing that 9/11 was staged by the US Government. 100% of responses have been raised eyebrows and rolled eyes. Northwoods proves nothing other than some tools in the past came up with some wacky ideas, and not only that, the Government refused to action it. Kind of self-defeating in my mind to use that as evidence of a Government conspiracy.

To be successful here, you have to stop thinking like a conspiracy theorist, and more like a sceptic. Because that is who you are trying to influence, and millions of them. What is red-hot evidence to you will be joke fodder for the rest. Hence my caution in how you approach this. The conspiracy theory community is already ridiculed in the main stream. My first efforts would be in addressing this, your public perception, rather than going straight to 9/11. Point out conspiracy theories that have become conspiracy fact. Point out that the Government refuses to release certain documents relating to 9/11, videos, whatever it takes. Don't highlight that you want these to prove that holographic planes hit the World Trade Centre, but that the truth deserves to be public. SO has discussed altruism recently on ATS. Well, be altruistic in your goals. And gain confidence and support before you bring out the big guns.

Again, what is it you want to achieve in this campaign? What is your endstate? What are your strategic objectives? What are your strengths and weaknesses? How do you maximise your strengths, while mitigating your weaknesses? Who and what are you going to target, and how? What are your resource limitations? If this all sounds a little military, well there's good reason for that. Because it is a great foundation to lay before you get in too deep. And if you misfire at the very beginning of your efforts, no amount of good intentions and hard work will alter the public perception of the truth movement as crackpots, crazies, and idiots.

posted on Jan, 12 2007 @ 07:27 AM

Originally posted by Willard856
Kind of self-defeating in my mind to use that as evidence of a Government conspiracy.

The thing is though is that the Northwoods Document shows that the government IS willing to be involved in a conspiracy. That's just one declassified document. How many more classified documents you think are out there that may coincide with 9/11 better? What was it that Sandy Berger stole from the archives? Could it be a document illustrating a 9/11 type Northwoods? One can only suspect since the documents were "taken care of".

posted on Jan, 12 2007 @ 07:29 AM

Originally posted by Griff
That's why I asked Skeptic what it was that brought him to study 9/11 theories.

I've always been a conspiracy theory aficionado, and on-again off-again contributor (the bulk of my efforts have been running places like ATS). Many long-standing conspiracy theorists were anticipating some type of false flag operation that would crank up the military industrial complex... and a few were pointing toward the possibility of a terrorist event. However, no one anticipated something like 9/11, a massive event on U.S. soil.

So I and many old-fart conspiracy thinks knew that something was funny on 9/11/2001. At first I wasn't convinced that nefarious factions within the government had direct involvement (the history of real conspiracies would tell us otherwise), but now I'm leaning more toward some level of direct hands-on involvement.

posted on Jan, 12 2007 @ 07:30 AM

Originally posted by Willard856
And if you misfire at the very beginning of your efforts, no amount of good intentions and hard work will alter the public perception of the truth movement as crackpots, crazies, and idiots.

I believe that has already happened. I think you're right. We need to fix this perception first before we start in with hollographic planes and space beams.

posted on Jan, 12 2007 @ 08:26 AM
The big challenge here... for all parties contributing... is to condense the massive body and spectrum of 9/11 "conspiracy" issues down to 20 or so core thoughts that have a chance to resonate with the people who go to NYC and stand outside the Today Show and wave to the cameras.

If the "911 Pound Gorilla" concept can't do that... it will fail.

posted on Jan, 12 2007 @ 12:17 PM
SO awesome thread! THis has already been a great first step in brainstroming alone right here. i like the gorilla idea. I know I'm new here but if I can help, please let me know.

Does anyone know if there are any 9-11 truth groups in Hawaii. I hear about these others and want to get involved. If not has anyone started one?

I agree that selling the average joe will prove difficult. It will be hard to market to them. But at some point something made that Ipod cool. What tagline can we get to raise eyebrow's. I have already started trying to share "9/11 truths" with friends, family and even strangers. Most of my success in even getting the conversation to last was by asking simple question that got them to ask more questions back.

My fav's are: Did you know that the offical story says the steel buildings fell due to fire?
Did you know that they fell at free fall speeds?

Many others have gotten me some ugly looks. These for some reason have had some success in getting through to the common joe surrounding me.

posted on Jan, 12 2007 @ 01:30 PM

Originally posted by whoknew
My fav's are: Did you know that the offical story says the steel buildings fell due to fire?
Did you know that they fell at free fall speeds?

My favorite is: Did you know that a third steel building collapsed due to fire on 9/11? Most people don't even know about WTC 7. Then I ask, why would the media and government want to cover up this fact?

And yes, even the government tried to sweep it under the rug so to speak. The FEMA and commission reports both ignored it if I'm not mistaken. The only reason NIST is investigating it is because we as citizens complained enough to make them investigate it I think.

posted on Jan, 12 2007 @ 03:06 PM

Originally posted by Griff

Originally posted by whoknew
My fav's are: Did you know that the offical story says the steel buildings fell due to fire?
Did you know that they fell at free fall speeds?

My favorite is: Did you know that a third steel building collapsed due to fire on 9/11? Most people don't even know about WTC 7. Then I ask, why would the media and government want to cover up this fact?

And yes, even the government tried to sweep it under the rug so to speak. The FEMA and commission reports both ignored it if I'm not mistaken. The only reason NIST is investigating it is because we as citizens complained enough to make them investigate it I think.

FEMA didn't ignore it. They attempted to talk of it, but really talked in circles. Read for yourself here: FEMA 9|11 Report - Chapter 5 on WTC 7

By the way Cameron, still looking for information on the timestamps of the three events from the FEMA report regarding WTC 7. Those events being:

1.) No manual firefighting operations what-so-ever in WTC 7 that day.
2.) Larry's "call" to Chief Nigro
3.) "Safety Zone" set up around WTC 7

posted on Jan, 12 2007 @ 03:11 PM

Originally posted by TruthSeekerMP
FEMA didn't ignore it. They attempted to talk of it, but really talked in circles.

Thanks. I knew I was probably wrong when I said ignore it. How about the Commission? I don't rememmber them talking about it but could be wrong again.

posted on Jan, 12 2007 @ 03:12 PM
The project begins:
The 911 Pound Gorilla

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