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Crap, somethings in my room! cont.

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posted on Jan, 10 2007 @ 03:47 PM
...I had nothing to lose, so I decided to do that clapping thing. As soon as I went into my bedroom that evening and as soon as I walked in I felt an instant cold spot. While I was clapping I felt something watching me, then when I finished it left. My dogs instantly ran outside and started barking at the bushes outside my window, which they’ve never done before.
January 9, 2007- I was getting ready to sleep again and I turned off my cell phone. I heard my ring tone and turned around to see my phone turning itself back on. Once again, I turned it off, only it to watch it turn back on. After this happened three more times it stayed off. I lied down on my bed and plugged my I-pod into my I-Dock (a special mini stereo) and put on the ghost buster’s theme song. The plug flew out of the back of the I-dock and flew to the other side of the room. “What? You don’t like that song?” I teased. The lamp switch turned and clicked into place, but I had already unplugged it. The switch turned a couple more times, more fiercely. “Haha, having trouble?” I asked. The lamp shook violently, and then a blast of cold air hit me in the face. All I remember after that is falling asleep to its breathing again...

posted on Jan, 10 2007 @ 07:14 PM
Please continue this discussion in your initial thread/post, here.

Crap, somethings in my room!

Thank you

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