posted on Jan, 8 2007 @ 11:36 PM
"The United Nations' refugee body has appealed for $60m (£30.8m, 45m euros) in emergency aid for those fleeing violence in Iraq.
One in eight of Iraqis have now left their homes, with up to 50,000 people leaving each month, the UNHCR said.
It said the exodus was the largest long-term movement since the displacement of the Palestinians after the creation of Israel in 1948";
I really feel sorry for the people of Iraq right now, millions of people have lost their their way of life and now live in complete poverty, desease,
suffering and death. Many are educated and hard working people who have done nothing wrong, but are forced to pay and suffer the consequences of this
war the most while we sit in comfort back in our warm homes.
Donating money or goods to charities is a real problem too because a lot of the goods just simply end up on the black markets which fuel the criminal
activities over there, making the problems worse.
So, what do we do about the situation? We can't just leave them there to die in complete poverty and suffering...