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could the us be funding insurgents?

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posted on Jan, 8 2007 @ 06:44 PM
When the us army damages Iraqi property and real estate we give them money for their damages, and in return their suppose to use the many private contractors over there to rebuild or repair their property, but in return are taking the money and either buying weapons themselves or funding some of the radical groups that our there. do you really think we should be paying these Iraqis money instead of just sending private contractors in their ourselves and know where all the money that is spent is going just curious on anyone else's thoughts about this?

posted on Jan, 8 2007 @ 06:51 PM
Given that the US government is not run by the most competant people, I would not be surprised if Iraqi insurgents were finding ways of tapping into the billions of dollars being pumped into Iraq. From what I know about limited dealing with governmental regulatory industries like the FDA and EPA, as long as you dot the i's and cross the t's on the paperwork, all should go well. At the end of the day, those in charge of dispensing funds are really just looking to see every line in each form is filled out with i's dotted and t's crossed. They are not viewing the forms critically, asking why person X needs Y dollars to fix z, when nobody is sure of exactly who X is, whether he really needs Y dollars, or whether Z is really in need of fixing.

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