G'day all,
I thought this was of pretty significant interest to the board which is why Im posting it here and hopefully many of you can add and contribute to the
Illuminati topic and the facade that is being pulled over our eyes as we live day to day.
Titled - "Illuminati Rebel Issues Warning"
It is about a former member of the Italian Illuminati who has turned his back on the organisation fed up with the Satanic Rituals and perversion that
come with it and is going public with his warnings. He has organised a security taskforce so called to protect him whilst he is speaking out and to
justify and prove his credebility he has started his own website which he is naming all high ranking members of the Illuminati and as his site says
will be posting picture of them in the near future.
His website is -
Here are some quotes to quickly inform you from the above two links -
Quote - "The Illuminati plan to "Nazify" the West by the year 2012 and persecute all believers in God, using the pretext of war, terror and
economic collapse.
The scion of an ancient Illuminati family, Zagami had a religious conversion (to Islam) last June and rebelled. He'd had enough of the horrifying
Satanic, black magic rituals, mind control and torture that was going on inside the lodges, behind closed doors.
On Saturday he posted on his web site Illuminati Confessions
www.illuminaticonfessions.webfriend.it... names of high ranking Masons who are
ready to do battle with the Satanists. He has organized his own security detail and even posted a personal phone number to answer serious questioners
about his sincerity.
"These are the end times; it's no joke," Zagami says in an January 3 interview on his website.
"The cosmic alignment on the 21st of December 2012 gives you 6 years to prepare... So its about time you all wake up and fight for your right to stay
free under one God before they take complete control and start persecuting the true believers in the one God. Get your swords and get ready to fight
to defend your faith or perishThis is a war against Satan so please wake up in the western countries or you might wake up in a nightmare one morning
in December 2012."
"From 2010 you will start feeling the big changes in the air more and more but in 2012 you will have the clear evidence of the end of this
civilization in front of your eyes.the total NAZIFICATION of the western countries by 2010 before the economic situation starts to badly crack for
everyone. Then social tension will hit a peak never seen before and internal conflicts could eventually become in 2012: CIVIL WAR!" "
Quote - "As an ex-member of the Comitato Esecutivo Massonico - Masonic Executive Committee (MEC) of Monte Carlo, Zagami was, until recently, a true
insider, a 33rd degree Freemason, and a high-member of the infamous Freemasonic P2 (Propaganda 2) Lodge. He was the "prince", prepared to take over
from the older Illuminati "king", Licio Gelli."
Quote - ""They all work together, including Hugo Chavez who really is helping Bush's agenda by his theatrical performances," said Zagami. Chavez
is controlled by the Vatican and working with the New World Order as are all other leaders of the world's major government's and religions.
"This is how they operate with the top layers working together for one purpose in what they think is the perfect cover-up. Wahabi or Wahibi [the
Saudis] were created by the Zionists and their English friends who think they are the lost tribe of Israel. The same happened with Arafat and the
so-called Muslim Brotherhood created by the English intelligence."
Of course, the Muslim Brotherhood also might be behind Iranian leaders and the leaders of the Iraqi Insurgency. It's all theatre put on for the
In an email to me Sunday, Leo called the Iraq-Iran-Israel conflict a "foreign intelligence show" and Ahmaninejad a "well known Satanist with no
real connection to Islam."
He said Putin's conflict with the Rothschilds is also a "charade." Putin is also Illuminati controlled."
Quote - "In a few days I will show you on my web site some
photos of some Senior Brethern present at these
important meetings I had during my recent stay in
Italy for Christmas. And I will show you the result of
these meetings with several Grand Masters of Italian
Freemasonry finaly willing to fight openly such
Satanic groups like the OTO and many others who are
unfortunately present in all major Masonic Obbediences
with their evil plans for the NWO satanic game.Our war
against these dangerous dark Brothers is only at the
begining but remember everybody out there Im not
alone as more and more true Knights will start
following me in the next few months and together we
will fight the enemy."
Lets Hope this doesnt end up being a false call and really is the truth about a rebellion within the Illuminati. And if that were the case, how would
that play out with the current affairs of the world as you would expect would have been orchestrated by them?
Instead of their planned wars and the like, it could all end up being mass anarchy would it not?
Please, some educated comments so we can all learn about what is planned and what is coming? The posted links are a must read.