posted on Jan, 8 2007 @ 04:27 AM
I am having trouble with the link. It is the first page of the Norwich Evening News.
As you know, I am not racist, or against immigration. What I am against is that foreign nationals can now come into our country and attack our people
without consequence.
Reason according to the EVENING NEWS, it costs too much money. Well, I have come up with an even better idea. If they come into this country intending
malice to it's citizens that they must consider facing deportation back to where they originated.
I was watching a Quatermass episode on television last night called RINGSTONE ROUND. Essentially, crime was commonplace and uncontrollable. This
programme aired in the 70's, and it strangely reflected the breakdown of society where crime was allowed to run rampant.
Next, other criminals will want to take liberties and be allowed the same rights as foreign nationals who commit crimes against the people.
I say to tell these nationals behave, or get shipped back with no recourse. If they can't have their day in court, ship them back to their home. I
certainly don't want to live in a society where criminal activity is condoned and not condemned. I have been a victim of anti-social behaviour, by my
own countrymen. I was able to get justice; however, had it been a foreign national doing to me what had been done by our own citizen, they would have
escaped justice.
I wonder if anybody else has come across this type of absurdity before? Like I said and I stand by it: Deport those who are guilty of crime, if you
don't want to spend the money to take them to court. Simple solution.
[edit on 8/1/07 by rachel07]
[edit on 8/1/07 by rachel07]