posted on Jan, 8 2007 @ 02:49 AM
As someone who was introduced to ATS in early 2006 and became hooked like we all did, I became an avid follower like many others of John Lear's
I found his findings and posts to be eyeopening and thought provoking, and the guy has a stable and highly respectable background which at least
entitles him to respect when he makes a claim.
The last I heard of John was when his work was discussed on the site here
I believe the supermods had banned (correct me if I'm wrong) John from posting for a period recently. A search of John's name says he was active on
31/12/06 but I havent had any luck finding any of his recent posts if there was any.
In light of the recent life on Mars debates and so on here I would be most interested to hear Mr.Lear's take on such topics.
So guys is John still active here and can we expect him to feature as heavily here in the future?
I for one certainly hope so.