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YOu guys must realize that the 9\11 truth will never come out

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posted on Jan, 7 2007 @ 04:50 AM
If the powers that be were to be exposed then the best time was within days in 9\11 happening.This event will remain just like pearl harbor,the Oklahoma bombing,waco texas and many other events.You must also realize that these terror attack conspiracies,diseases conspiracy etc are puny compared to the real reason."EXTRA-TERRESTRIALS".Everything that is happening on earth is because of only one and one thing"ET's".You must forget about 9\11 as bickering about it wont yield any results.5 years have gone by and nothing happened and 100 years will go by and nothing will happen.
You guys must open your mind and think deeper about the 9\11 stuff.Of course oil was not the reason and if it were about orwellion NWO world then a sepertiest movement could defeat it.IT's more than that and the answer is ET

STAR WARS is big hint and so is the movie matrix.

check out these website to look deeper in the issue

[edit on 7-1-2007 by manchurian_candidate]

[edit on 7-1-2007 by manchurian_candidate]

[edit on 7-1-2007 by manchurian_candidate]

posted on Jan, 7 2007 @ 06:00 AM
I don't know about that.I believe that the more people that hide the truth the more chances of someone coming clean.But only time will tell.

posted on Jan, 7 2007 @ 06:28 AM
I don't really care if the the truth 'officially' comes out. Just enough people, through their own investigation, coming to the correct conclusion that the official story was a lie, should be enough to make change if we really live in a democratic society.

Believing 9-11 was an inside job should alone be enough for people to wake up and realise that blindly following the government is unhealthy, and maybe it could be the start to a change in how we are governed.

But maybe I'm just dreaming?

[edit on 7/1/2007 by ANOK]

posted on Jan, 7 2007 @ 12:36 PM
I have always imagined the 9/11 conspiracy being one like the JFK murder.

A lot of people, perhaps most will think the government did it, but life will go on much as it has.

posted on Jan, 8 2007 @ 02:48 AM
It is out.

CNN and the BBC have both given it a semi fair hearing in 2006. Countless magazines have published the facts and too many countries to list have aired Loose Change 2.

Of course things could be much better though but it's building.

posted on Jan, 8 2007 @ 03:14 AM

Not an agreement or disagreement, really, just a point of view.

I personally feel that we already have the Truth, both about what really occurred on 9/11/01, and all that proceeded from it to date. It is apparent that lies have been told, conclusive events and evidences have been whitewashed and/or covered up, and etc. There is only one thing left to do and that is to put yourself in the Jury box and choose whether to believe the truth or not. All of us who have dug into this matter and through all of the "real" evidence over the past 5 years have already drawn our conclusions.
The only questions remaining is Why and Who. Why is easy to answer provided that you know what, other than Iraq and Afghanistan, has been going on since--and right here in the US. Trust me, the smoke and flames of the WTC have hidden far more than the skyline of New York, and blinded more people than you may imagine.

What are those things and what do they mean? You can begin to know that when I upload the first in a series of Pod Casts entitled "Straight From the Horse's Mouth ---Episode 1>" Look for them in the very near future in Member Pod Casts right here on ATS. Meanwhile, I advise that you start looking over your shoulder.

[edit on 8-1-2007 by Ed Littlefox]

posted on Jan, 8 2007 @ 04:54 AM

Originally posted by ANOK
I don't really care if the the truth 'officially' comes out. Just enough people, through their own investigation, coming to the correct conclusion that the official story was a lie, should be enough to make change if we really live in a democratic society.
[edit on 7/1/2007 by ANOK]

That's the problem we don't live in a democratic society!
No one does...

posted on Jan, 8 2007 @ 06:23 AM
I agree, enough of the truth has come out to understand its a farse.

but, who do we turn to?
what can we do?

They ultimately have the upper hand in every way, and it doesnt matter if 99% of people know, because that 1% in the housE ( which is white ) arent affected any more by the public.

welcome to the new america.

posted on Jan, 8 2007 @ 06:38 AM

Originally posted by manchurian_candidate
If the powers that be were to be exposed then the best time was within days in 9\11 happening.This event will remain just like pearl harbor,the Oklahoma bombing,waco texas and many other events.You must also realize that these terror attack conspiracies,diseases conspiracy etc are puny compared to the real reason."EXTRA-TERRESTRIALS".Everything that is happening on earth is because of only one and one thing"ET's".You must forget about 9\11 as bickering about it wont yield any results.5 years have gone by and nothing happened and 100 years will go by and nothing will happen.
You guys must open your mind and think deeper about the 9\11 stuff.Of course oil was not the reason and if it were about orwellion NWO world then a sepertiest movement could defeat it.IT's more than that and the answer is ET

STAR WARS is big hint and so is the movie matrix.

check out these website to look deeper in the issue

I am sorry, you are delusional. You claim to have absolute knowledge, when you don’t, you’re insulting my intelligence. The fact that you come here and make these amazing claims without a shred of evidence makes me believe your mind is ill. In all likelihood, you suffer from the same as Christians and other deluded theists. The well known Christ-psychosis works in the same way for individuals that believe extra terrestrials rule mankind without any sort of proof. You’ve blinded your self to reality and chosen to believe in something absurd and illogical simply because reality as you know it is too dull. Admit it.

Why does everyone have to BELIEVE in something? I choose not to believe in anything and my default position is always to be agnostic about any issue I don’t have sufficient (reliable) information on.

I’ve looked into the various extra terrestrial stories. For instance the story of Phil Schneider, although it seems very interesting and I truly want to believe that ET’s exists (I don’t want to think that we are alone in this universe) I just don’t see it. There is never any tangible proof, nothing but individual witness testimony, and their stories never seem to match up completely. Some aspects of these stories I will admit that should be looked into further, but I don’t understand how a rational mind can simply devote them selves to believe in these stories based on someone’s word.

In regards to 9/11, we don’t know everything. If you have tricked your self into believing you know everyone that is behind this deception and that you know all the facts you are a fool. The only thing we can conclude with a very high probability is that the official story is false and that the truth or parts of the truth is being hidden from the public. But in truth we are all agnostics in regards to many aspects of 9/11, we don’t know everything we need to know. Therefore I think it is very important that there will be a new independent investigation. However making this happen is very difficult in today’s corrupt world.

posted on Jan, 8 2007 @ 03:19 PM

Originally posted by Agit8dChop
I agree, enough of the truth has come out to understand its a farse.

but, who do we turn to?
what can we do?

They ultimately have the upper hand in every way, and it doesnt matter if 99% of people know, because that 1% in the housE ( which is white ) arent affected any more by the public.

welcome to the new america.


The easy answer to your two questions above is, We turn to US.

That the "1%" has the "upper hand" is the Myth that they would have us all believe. But, the hedge for us is not Myth, but Reality. 99% of us know, as you say, and disagree with the Myth. 99 to 1 is terrible weighted odds-- but odds in our favor provided we learn the lessons of the terrible knowledge of it.

These few persons have now turned every Government Office in the country into an Enforcement Agency for one, new, shady legislation they have passed, or another; slipping them through the Congress, or added as Agency Regulations, or a dictated (yes, I said DICTATED) by Executive Order. How have they accomplished this without us knowing? Well--suffice to say it was done behind our backs while our attention was captured by Iraq, Iran, the Middle East, Darfur, and many other "elsewhere"; while we were blinded by the Flag, 9/11, the WOT, and etc. In other words, they used the Media. We have been shown, and so, led, everything EXCEPT what is going on, and has gone on, inside the halls of Capitol Hill--and it is purposeful and planned.

Some people call that "slight of hand"--the Cops call it a Con Job and, particularly, a "Flim Flam". Brand it how you will, it doesn't change the Truth. We can't change it either, BUT, we can darned sure change the outcome of it all. In the interest of offering direction on that--we MUST do what we can and what becomes necessary in the face of Tyranny

[edit on 8-1-2007 by Ed Littlefox]

posted on Jan, 8 2007 @ 03:53 PM
the total concentric rings of what became known as 9/11
-may not get resolved in this generation-
but today, another piece of the story is fitted into place to further reveal the picture

the Washington Times
reports that: [u]"German Court Gives Moroccan Max for 9/11"
~ap story by Simone Utler~ 8 Jan 2007
.................................the article is so restricted and copywrited, i'm not even sure i can quote the convicted "facilitators" name or 'cell' he was in

guess you'll have to go to AP or Google up the report from the info given in this post

posted on Jan, 8 2007 @ 06:30 PM

Originally posted by buddhaLight

Originally posted by ANOK
I don't really care if the the truth 'officially' comes out. Just enough people, through their own investigation, coming to the correct conclusion that the official story was a lie, should be enough to make change if we really live in a democratic society.
[edit on 7/1/2007 by ANOK]

That's the problem we don't live in a democratic society!
No one does...

I know that's why I said if we really live in a democratic society. I should have been more obvious with my sarcasm. 9-11 will infact prove we don't live in a democracy. Actually wait, prop 215 proves we don't live a democracy!

Democracy, or not, if people finally wake up because of 9-11 and don't fall for the 'it will all change when bush is replaced' BS, then maybe we will see some change in peoples attitude toward government. But if things go on as they always have then I'm afraid I will lose all hope in the human race to pull themselves out of their slavery. People just need to make the connection that government is bad for your health, and it's not just the Bush crowd, and it won't be all over just because they rig another election to give us another dictator the elite wants us to have.

posted on Jan, 14 2007 @ 01:50 AM
I think that the line has pretty much been drawn between who does and does not believe the governments story. anyone who does not see that the official story is false by now either doesn't care enough to try and find out (so naturally won't be joining a movement dedicated to something they care nothing about). or they are so dedicated to the government that they cast aside reason and logic in favor of blindly accepting what they are told, such people are irritating to argue with and impossible to convince.

i don't think there is an "undecided" group anymore. anyone who examines the evidence with pure logic and reason and no bias to one side or the other can clearly see the official story is false. so if they examine the evidence they are either the latter of the two previously mentioned groups or a member of the movement. they would be the former of the two previously mentioned groups if they never examined the evidence at all.

[edit on 14-1-2007 by daedalas]

posted on Jan, 17 2007 @ 01:50 PM
The truth may not come out, same as Kennedy, but the way people think is changing. No army can stop this, this is how we will win. Spread the word, just the fact that people stop and think it's good. Informed people = better society

posted on Jan, 17 2007 @ 02:47 PM
Your such a victim of the so called "green-screen" culture. I quote:

"Star Wars is a big hint and so is the movie Matrix".

These films are fiction, not items of proof - go ask the directors.

You've probably read 1984, not much else though. You don't have a very good grasp on history either by the sounds of it. If you want to understand the world and the nature of war I suggest you go and read some history, I know its hard work and alot more difficult than watching TV.

People around here speak of "the truth", if you actually read 1984 properly and tried to understand it you'd realise what your doing.

You don't really have anything certain figured out, however you have figured out that it must involve aliens and conspiracies. There isn't really anything anyone could bring to the table to make you change your mind, you are aware of this in the back of your mind.

[edit on 17-1-2007 by superpaul55]

posted on Jan, 18 2007 @ 04:33 AM
superpaul55, what happened on 9/11 does not involve any aliens.
Look at this : $ 600000 spent on 9/11 investigation, 3000 dead, 4 planes, the 40 billion dollars/year Norad does not function !
40 million $ spent on Monica Lewinski scandal
No problem ?
Watch this film , the official theory is full of holes

posted on Jan, 18 2007 @ 08:28 AM
I think they Administration had foreknowledge, but did nothing about it as it served their reactionary agenda. Do i think they perpetrated the atrocity? No, i dont believe they had too.

And the wild theories flying around the internet and abroad only help them create a divide between the people and their idea's.

Besides that, does it really matter what the truth is now? Would it not make more sense to invest this type of energy into finding realistic solutions to say iraq? iran? How about Africa? or hell tackle the bigger picture of US forgein policy and Imperialism?

posted on Jan, 18 2007 @ 11:57 AM
I am new to this site and joined as a result of hearing John Lear on Coast to Coast radio last evening. I am one who believes that Bible Prophecy is being fulfilled before our eyes and we are a chosen generation to litterally bring forth the Kingdom of God. I am not religious and do not belong to any church, but believe the Bible has many secrets if properly understood.

Mystery Babylon

We are Told in the Bible That Babylon is a Mystery and it seems to include the control of finances. Financial Systems also control centers of spirituality.

All the Central Banks seem to be controlled by the same people.

It is my understanding 10 individuals from 13 families make up the controllers of the world. These 10 individuals control the seven central Banks and the world enterprise through there influence by proxy. The Rockefellers and Rothchilds are among them.

There method of control is through cause and effect by creating a problem to create a desired effect for change. Over many years and many planned crises's they now have power through there web of influence. They create the situation that causes an event to create the effect they desire upon the world.

The events of 9-11-01 is just one example of how they created an effect to gain more control of the people of the world. This event was orchestrated by mystery Babylon.

The worlds utilities, All the natural resources and energy of every type are under Mystery Babylons control. These individual families control the natural resources, food, Medicine, energy, Pharmacitical Drug production and world industry through their web of control through Multi-National corporations and conglomerates that are controlled by people who are directly or indirectly under their control.

The Bible speaks of the people of the world being deceived because of their sorceries. The original meaning of sorceries was a word Meaning Pharmacy. One of the methods of Mystery Babylon works is in a suttle way Mystery Babylon is trying to take control of the people by there dependence upon perscription drugs.

They control world finances, the flow of money into every political party and political cause. This includes the passing of laws and the election of individuals at every level of power and authority in every country.

They they also work through secret societies and have influence through many ungodly and satanic organizations, even the World religions and churches are under there controling influence, even if the religious leaders are not aware of this.

They have a vast Global Web of influence and there method of control is by proxy. Through there powerful web of influence they appear to be invisible, yet they are able to orchestrate the creation of any event through modern technology and by exercising there control by proxy over almost any situation including Banking systems. They control the global Multinational corporations, and they ultimatly control of all world leaders and governments by there secretive manipulation by proxy.

The attach on the world Trade Center and the Pentagon on 9-11-01 seems to be such an event orchestrated through there power of proxy.

I have written additional information:

posted on Jan, 18 2007 @ 02:19 PM

doesn't matter though

Americans are dealing with 911 like they've been cheated on by a significant other.

Some people will never notice if they are cheated on. They believe everything that comes out of their other half's mouth, and are too stupid, gullible, or naive to pick up on clues. And, any clues that are stumbled upon will not be recognized anyway.

Some people are in denial. They recognize strange panties and condom wrappers, but are either unconsciously looking the other way or willing to accept any explaination.

Most people know, but aren't willing to do anything, may not ackowledge they know at all, and certainlly wouldn't say anything in the presence of their significant other. They wish it weren't true, but may still not really care as long as they still get to have their love, support, and sex.

The last group of people is ready and willing to end the relationship, but this group is a minority.

The bottom line, the government cannot fess up under any circumstances. At least continued denial will keep the first three groups in check. Any admission of guilt will cause people within the first three groups to either join the "breakup" group or forgive.
It's not a risk worth taking.

Say werd


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