posted on Jan, 5 2007 @ 06:02 PM
It has been given away to illegal aliens. This is the final shot to the head.
This is so outrageous,so unbelievable,
it's like a horror movie. Illegal aliens will be made better than citizens. So this is the great plan,the "North American Union", to turn the US
into a third world cesspool. The Dems,who have the power to stop this, will do what they do best..nothing.
This is not only the fault of Bush,although he is a major player,there are many,many others in this sickening traitorous plot. Watch,by spring,12 to
20 million illegals will be made citizens.The border will still be wide open to the tune of 2-4 million a year.That will increase once word of this
It will never end. The US has been sold by the elected scum who are supposed to protect it.