posted on Jan, 6 2007 @ 06:45 AM
Funny you know, because for YEARS, there was absolutely NO-one to confirm a specific aspect of my own experience with ghosts. Yet lately, I've read
several reference to the same thing, i.e., ---- ' legs faded away'.
Now you see (even though I don't know her) I KNOW MissAshleyDear has seen ghosts. She's not indulging in wishful thinking or exaggeration and it
wasn't a dream or hallucination ------- she has SEEN ghosts.
How do I know? Because she and I have confirmed each other's experience and have independently witnessed the same detail, i.e., ----- that the
ghosts' legs have faded away to nothingness from approx. the knee area down. At the time ( when in the presence of the ghost ) this does not seem
unusual, nor does it affect the ghost's height.
I'm not suggesting that every ghost fails to manifest its lower legs, but it's beyond coincidence that two total strangers (plus a handful of other
accounts I've read in recent years) report the same thing.
So what does this mean? Well, it only takes ONE verfied ghost to change EVERYone's life. Such would mean that regardless of your beliefs (religious
and other) dead people can (on occasion) be seen by the living. Not a movie or a book. For real. Dead people aren't 'dead' as death is
commonly believed to be.
Dead people aren't in the ground or a pile of cremated ash, or playing harps in heaven or burning in hell. They're still 'around' --- at least
some of them are.
Do ghosts choose to make themselves known to the witness?
In my opinion, sometimes SOME of them do --- whilst at other times, the presence of witnesses is irrelevant from the ghost's persepective. It's to
be suspected that some ghosts are unaware they're ghosts and so may possibly be unaware of the presence of witnesses. Then there are ghosts who're
stuck in a particular moment in time. I guess the latter could be compared to members of the living who're traumatised and so endlessly repeat what
to others appear as meaningless behaviours.
I suspect ghosts aren't much different to us. Sometimes, we might seek another's attention: when we wish to speak to a teacher after class, for
example. At other times, we might be engrossed in thought or intently doing something, only to notice someone else has come into the room.
Sometimes -- even though we aren't aware of them --- someone will tell us they drove past our house and saw us in the garden.
We aren't all alike and nor are ghosts. Often, we're different from hour to hour and ghosts may be likewise.
My own experience with ghosts is as follows: Immediately *prior* to the experience, I am in an ordinary state of mind. Often I'm engaged in doing
something. I am awake. I am not particularly stressed. I am not seeking a ghost experience. *Then*, for the duration of the experience, I am NOT
in my usual frame of mind. I do not scream or run, for example. I do not have any emotions or thoughts such as curiosity or any 'Gee, I'm looking
at a ghost ' reactions.
So, the experience itself causes me to enter an altered state. When I emerge from it, I remember the ghost in considerable detail. That's how it is
for me. The ghosts I've seen have all been perfectly lifelike (apart from the non-visibility of the lower legs).
However, I suspect I am not the focus of the ghost's attention. I don't believe the ghosts have sought me out or sought my attention.
Rather, I suspect my mind senses when a ghost is present and that this (the presence of a ghost) causes my altered-state which in turn results in my
seeing the ghost.
I'm speaking above of 'ordinary' ghosts. On the other hand, there have been a small number of instances when something (but not the classic
'ordinary' ghost) has most definitely chosen to make itself known to me. The latter experiences have been frightening