Originally posted by Giordano Bruno
I guess I got bored of waiting, because nothing seemed to be changing much.
My question, as the title suggests, is what comparisons can be seen between de Beers' manipulation of the diamond market and the current oil
situation. Obviously there are major differences.
Your premise here as far as the comparison to the Diamond companys is a good one. I just dont think you and many of the other posters here are wont
to take it far enough. You stop at all the price gouging ..."Im a Victim" type posts.
YOu need to think outside the blocks a bit further to the merchandizing part of the thinking. This requires some knowlege of history and this is the
problem. History is often such a clouded, obscured field. Much of it is glossed over.
When you view the field or topic as one of competition it changes ones thinking a bit. Not competition from other countrys per se but from other
companys operating behind the countrys. The countrys are actually fronts for these companys.
While I dont like to use movies or videos as a method of explaining real life situations the video "Blood Diamond" is a good one for those who can
think past all the violence and political drama or dogma which is the bullk of the movie.
The key in understanding and changing your thinking is the last scene in the movie where they are taking the particular diamond which is the crux of
the movie and hiding or storing it in a vault to keep it off the market and not depress prices.
This is the crux of the oil buisness. I have known for years now that there is acatually a surplus of oil. Oil is being discovered in places all over
the world. The problem is controlling the market and keeping the oil out of the hands of the public. At the same time you must squash unwanted
competition. You must be able to control both sides of the market..both production and consumption.
In the movie "Blood Diamond" The diamond companys did not care that war was taking place but operated in spite of the war to keep the diamonds
off the market. What happened to the people involved or caught up in these wars did not matter. The important thing was what was happening to the
Supply of Diamonds.
War was just a cover behind which to continue controlling the supply of diamonds. Those diamonds gained by war were stored and kept off the
So the question arises ..how do you keep oil of fthe market and at the same time keep competitors out who would sell or use the oil as a independent
operator...hence threatening your economic/political base.
The answer is war. War is the tool used by certain companys to limite competition. Keep competitors out and the resources off the market. The
instability generated is the tool necessary to keep competiting companys out of the war area. This is what happened in Vietnam and when it was over a
Communist Government was put in place to further gaurantee that the country would remain in storage..inert ..no progress outside of what is authorized
by the ruling company operating behind the scenes. These are private holdings kept off the market. Communism gaurantees that no progress will take
place economically and at the same time gaurantees that competitors will remain out of country.
The more radical Islamic governments will gaurantee the same result. No progress and competiting companys will not go in to invest. The more radical
governments will replace communism as this tool to keep the diamonds in the safe. The country is in effect put in storage.
Learn how to spot the technique of how to put a whole country into storage.
While the war is taking place ..what is happening behind the scenes is that arrangements are being made to keep the country in storage..and the
resources off the market. These arrangements are not seen by the general public.
Saddam Husseins crime was not WMDs per se...it was operating as a independent and selling oil through another unauthorized market ...the UN Food for
Oil program. He sold to much oil and kept the prices depressed.
No independents allowed in this market. Very similar to the drug market...or as stated the Diamond market.
Every time the oil looked like it was going to flow in Iraq...the pipelines and facilitys were destroyed. Iraqi oil would gaurantee lower prices in
this country. Yet it is obviously not flowing.
Our troops are in Iraq to gaurantee the oil will not flow and that the oil will stay out of the hands of competitors who will, if they get the Iraqi
oil, stop buying from more expensive sources...ie..competitors.
Both the Islamics and the West are on the puppet strings here at great cost in thier finest blood. This is not a view one will hear on the nightly
news..no matter how much they declare they are "looking out for you."
Simple common sense will clear it up for most people not on the emotional treadmill.
How to keep a resource off the market and at the same time out of the hands of competitors is the connection to the diamond market.
War is the tool to do this and it can be kept up for years and years with a public groomed on a television education.
We are in Iraq to make sure the oil does not flow...anywhere.. and the country is put in storage while we build certain infrastructure to make sure
the oil does not flow till authorized. This is precisely what happened in Vietnam. Oil was discovered there too. We brought Vietnam into the 20th
Century at public expense and then said to the communists...here fellows ..have it all. The country was then put in storage. You can see this
fingerprint happening over again only in Islamic guise in Iraq and the Middle East. It will not stop with Iraq. I believe more of the Middle East is
slated to go into storage with the passage of time. In the safe with all the diamonds.