These examples are ancient, decomposed, and in some cases horribly bloated by some sort of radiation, or weapon.
In some of the cases there is some sort of foaming matereial being exuded from the victims.
As comical as the creature in this photograph may appear, you are looking at a very serious crime scene, and forensic photograph. The Creature will
be identified here as, “ C1”
The original High Resolution Photograph Catalog Number is… AS16-107-17552HR
C1 is an ancient artifact of some kind.
C1 is in a defensive posture, hands partially raised, palms forward,
C1 appears to have a post mortem gash in its head
C1 has some sort of foaming biological material exuding from its Mouth, Left Eye Socket, and Nasal area.
The foaming material appears to have consistent direction of travel
C1 has six fingers, has some sort of claw or pincher at the fingertips of both hands.
C1 appears to have sharp needle like teeth.
**Feel free to add any other observations you may have.**
This is an ancient lunar tracked vehicle.
[edit on 07/1/12 by nnelsosj]