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Philadelphia Experiment

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posted on Dec, 19 2003 @ 09:41 PM

Originally posted by yogibear
I have seen a documentary on the history channel regarding this.
It was on their history's myteries program.
Basically this tv show claims that this so-called Philadelphia experiment was a fabricated hoax
perpetrated by an individual named Carl Allen.

Some of the survivors of the shipUSS Edldridge an Engstrom were interviewed years later
regarding this strange episode that reportedly occured.
The reaction was amusement and laughter from those interviewed.
They denied any such occurence.
However don't take their word for it alone.

Here is a link that also discusses this fabricated event that never occured.
Or simply go to the skeptic's dictionary and look under the letter P for Philadelphia experiment.
This historical event was simply a hoax.

[Edited on 14-12-2003 by yogibear]

The History Chan wouldn't tell you the truth, they're payed not to just like all the survivors. Remember, 'Someone Owns the Media'. The Gov't Bullies would have made damn sure of that. I remember hearing stories of those who actually saw cover-ups and never said anything until like the late 80's when they were in their 70's. Their families were threatened as well as themselves. That is how the Gov't works. In BC, there was a man who created an electric car in the 80's and tried to go public with it, he was later shut up after 'someone' broke both his legs and beat him badly. Gee wonder who that was? Nothing of his fantastic invention was ever heard of again. Big Oil Companies, The Gov't and other powerful forces really do have the ability to stop people from anything and it happens all the time. There was also a boy i believe in Canada i saw on the local news here who had the Solution to the Y2K problem before 2000 hit. The last i heard he was paid off with his family and never heard anything about his 'fix' again. It's possible he gave it to them and they covered it up. I hate the Gov't grrrr

[Edited on 19-12-2003 by Sapphire]

posted on Dec, 19 2003 @ 09:49 PM

Originally posted by Saucerat
Government denies knowledge...

Records in the Operational Archives Branch of the Naval Historical Center have been repeatedly searched, but no documents have been located which confirm the event, or any interest by the Navy in attempting such an achievement.

they seem to be under the impression that there has to be evidence for something for it to have happened. guess they've never heard of something called fire.

posted on Dec, 19 2003 @ 09:58 PM
There might have been an experiment involving trying to make an object invisible to radar, or to human sight, in fact it's probable when you consider the timeframe and the events around it. But one thing that's almost sure is that there wasn't any time travel involved here. I think they added this maybe as a disinfo element to discredit it all.

One loon in particular that has been peddling this story is Al Bielek, and has been recently debunked as some kind of pathological liar.

Even the maker of the Bielek CD thinks so too now.

posted on Dec, 19 2003 @ 10:07 PM

Originally posted by Helioform
There might have been an experiment involving trying to make an object invisible to radar, or to human sight, in fact it's probable when you consider the timeframe and the events around it. But one thing that's almost sure is that there wasn't any time travel involved here. I think they added this maybe as a disinfo element to discredit it all.

One loon in particular that has been peddling this story is Al Bielek, and has been recently debunked as some kind of pathological liar.

Even the maker of the Bielek CD thinks so too now.

Helioform, debunked by whom though? Who's to say the debunkers are even telling you the truth? QUESTION ALL WHO STATE THEY KNOW THE TRUTH.

posted on Dec, 19 2003 @ 10:14 PM
It's not about who, but about facts. If you actually read the site, you would see that they did an extensive research into the past of the man that Bielek calls Ed Cameron. The fact that the picture Bielek provided shows a man called A. Cameron, not Ed Cameron, is what tipped them off. Turns out that there was never was any Ed Cameron at Princeton university who was in the Navy and had a PhD in physics. That's just one thing that makes his whole story fall apart, but there are many more mentionned at that bielek debunked site. Also the authors of that site actually believe that the PX did happen, just that Bielek didn't have any part in it, so the accusation that they are employed by the government to discredit the PX doesn't make sense.

posted on Dec, 20 2003 @ 08:59 PM

Originally posted by Helioform
It's not about who, but about facts. If you actually read the site, you would see that they did an extensive research into the past of the man that Bielek calls Ed Cameron. The fact that the picture Bielek provided shows a man called A. Cameron, not Ed Cameron, is what tipped them off. Turns out that there was never was any Ed Cameron at Princeton university who was in the Navy and had a PhD in physics. That's just one thing that makes his whole story fall apart, but there are many more mentionned at that bielek debunked site. Also the authors of that site actually believe that the PX did happen, just that Bielek didn't have any part in it, so the accusation that they are employed by the government to discredit the PX doesn't make sense.

Thanks for the update, it's been a while since i've read thru the site.

[Edited on 20-12-2003 by Sapphire]

posted on Dec, 30 2003 @ 12:28 AM
So, David, now that you've heard their comments and theories, why don't you reply?

posted on Dec, 30 2003 @ 12:31 AM

Originally posted by Blitersety
So, David, now that you've heard their comments and theories, why don't you reply?

I think because he's been kicked off the board.

posted on Dec, 30 2003 @ 05:07 AM

Originally posted by Kinote
The Philadelphia Experiment also went under the name Project Rainbow didn't it?
I think it was also named Project Firebird, or something like that.....

One of my favourite military experiments, but by favourite, I mean most interested in.

posted on Dec, 30 2003 @ 07:32 AM

Originally posted by yogibear
Here is a link that also discusses this fabricated event that never occured.
Or simply go to the skeptic's dictionary and look under the letter P for Philadelphia experiment.
This historical event was simply a hoax.

[Edited on 14-12-2003 by yogibear]

I don't find that reliable.

posted on Dec, 30 2003 @ 08:27 AM
Skepdic is hit or miss...

In BC, there was a man who created an electric car in the 80's and tried to go public with it, he was later shut up after 'someone' broke both his legs and beat him badly. Gee wonder who that was?

I remember this, it could go about 70mph, and was completely electric.
No doubt the tech is there for this....

As for Project Rainbow...

The experiment was supposed to be for degaussing, making the ships invisible to enemy torpedoes, not the naked eye, and not warping space/time. The notes about Einstein and Tesla working on it, seem to be a sketchy connection at best. From what I can gather, it seems that the Montauk project is the real meat and potatoes of it, and that the Philadelphia Experiment is highly overblown, and not connected to it.

posted on Nov, 12 2008 @ 07:37 AM

posted on Nov, 12 2008 @ 07:49 AM
G'day to all. When I first heard about the Philadelphia Experiment, I was reading a kids magazine called: The Spine Chiller : Interesting Mag. I brought them because I enjoyed the strange-mystery of from the world.

One Question *I* have thought of when everytime I hear about the Philadelphia Experiment. Why is the project always on water? Does the "water" somehow help interact with electromagnets and other parts in the ship. Oh, By the way: It was Albert Einstein who first "discovered-created" the project.

[edit on 12-11-2008 by gordonwest]

posted on Dec, 1 2010 @ 03:08 PM
reply to post by innkue

Tim Ventura here, from - I've added a number of links to new information on the Philadelphia Experiment & Nazi-Bell stories to the Wikipedia Entry under the "Alternative Theories" section. In short, a lot of new information is coming out about this story, including:

- Einstein's documented involvement, from his FBI file that places him in 1943 at the Philadelphia Navy Yard working on "a device to explode a torpedo under a ship"

- A detailed technical summary of how the Philadelphia Experiment might be recreated, published by James Corum:

- The revelation that "Rhinehart" was in fact that name of a real scientist working at the Philadelphia Navy in '43, who specialized in Naval Degaussing Equipment (ie: big electromagnetic coils)

- Firm connections to the Nazi-Bell Project through Einstein's 1928 revision of the Unified Field Theory, which both the Allies & Axis had copies of (through Walther Gerlach, Nazi oversight for the Bell Project, who had helped Einstein vet the theory in the 20's).

- Engineering-level knowledge of Unified Field-Theory effects, as described by GE scientist Gabriel Kron, which could have easily been couple with Einstein's unfinished UFT.

- Knowledge of gas-plasma absorption of radar, which was later developed further by Northrup for inclusion in the B-2 bomber (NOTE: that this would almost have to be required for the B2, because even if the aircraft itself absorbed radar, the moving air around it would still reflect signals & show up on doppler radar. Radar-absorption of gas plasmas was also further researched during the space-program, as it is the reason that contact is temporarily lost with space capsules upon re-entry.)

A good resource to start with is "Einstein's Antigravity", atL


Tim Ventura

posted on Apr, 2 2011 @ 01:55 PM
Here's a History channel documentary on it. They try to debunk it at the end but HC is part of the establishment so no surprise there... I still wonder why they air stuff like Ancient Aliens though.

part 1:

part 2:

part 3:

part 4:

part 5:

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