posted on Sep, 21 2008 @ 04:33 PM
As far as I know, Mel has been on the show twice talking about the hole. It's an absolutly riviting tale. I heard them both on youtube.
The first time, he talked about the hole it was used by the locals as a dump, but it never filled. the urban myth was that it was bottomsless.
eventually curiosity got the best of him and he set out to find out how deep it was. He got 4 coils of fishing cord, attached a wieght to the end and
didn't hit the bottom.
The thing about the dog was that it died. got chucked down the hole and was seen again a few times in the wilderness, but it didn't come back.
The scond time mel talked, it was so much more developed. So many things were talked about, I can't remember them all.
The second time he talked about a second hole (cos the govt' had siezed the first). Some natives showed him the hole. He talked about how if he
dropped something on the rim it did not make a sound. Also that it irradiated heat without light. And that when they put a pale of ice cubes down they
came up on fire but didn't melt, but it got crazier after that. He talked about how some of the cubes were taken away by one of his mate to be used
in his cabin as an eternal cooking fire in his stove. Talked about if the kettle was boiling then the steam would be drawn to the ice. Eventually the
stove fell through the floor and into the ground several feet. It continued to sink slowly as time went on and eventually all the moisture came out of
the wood in the shake and the whole thing caved. The govt' siezed the site, later, and had to used 3 cranes to pull out the stove and ice.
And it wasn't a man that they let down in the second hole but a sheep. Apparently every animal feared this hole so they needed to knock the sheep
out. once they started lowering it down it came to and started shrieking (he was losing his cool at this point in the interview). It stoped making
noise after a while and they brought it up. It was dead, they later cut it open and found that it had been cooked from the inside. THATS when the seal
thing comes into the story.
BTW the russian hole to hell + recording was a hoax.