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i saw a UFO last night 9/12/03 Weds morning 4:25am UK

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posted on Dec, 10 2003 @ 04:53 AM
let me start saying what i saw, well i woke up and thought id get a drink an as i was doing so i looked out window up in to the sky, and i saw a light shining looked like a star but was shining what looked like red, blue, and green alternating lights, well i watched this for like 1hr 35 mins and in that time i counted like 8 helicopters or what i thought to be helicopters go past, some had red lights under them like airplanes have and some had white lights, well after about the eighth flying thing to go past i heard a fighter jet zoom over head and the UFO that looked like a star that had not moved in that 1hr 35 mins or so shot off to the right did a circle and eneded up just of a bit furthur to the right of where it was before, it stayed there for 20 mins then i looked away for like a min and next time i looked it was totaly gone, it was a clear night and full moon this thing was gone not to be seen in distance like i could see those helicopters when they flew over go into distance.

weird thing is i think its a ufo or military high tech is that theres a airbase near where i live, and the ufo stayed rock solid in same position for over 1hr 30 mins untill this fighter jet over flew like it was buzzing it, and only then did it move and it went to the right pretty fast and did a weird circle an back tracked back abit to end up near where it was. The circle motion it did was all level perfect like movement in a circle in air it did not fly up or down it just like glided smooth but real fast no noise except from jet that buzzed it, its hard to explain the circle motion other than say just draw a circle with your hand and thats what it did in the air but flat like draw it on a piece of paper round thats what it did.

[Edited on 10-12-2003 by blobby]

posted on Dec, 10 2003 @ 05:02 AM
Viewed all from your window? Didn't go outside, see anyone else or wake anyone?

Were you freaking or calm? Call around if you have time, see if the paper has other reports. Is your area known for Crop circles?

Find some good places to report your sighting BEFORE stories break. So you don't appear reactionary/ bandwagon. Just a thought.

Cool sighting.

posted on Dec, 10 2003 @ 05:10 AM

Originally posted by blobby
The circle motion it did was all level perfect like movement in a circle in air it did not fly up or down it just like glided smooth but real fast no noise except from jet that buzzed it, its hard to explain the circle motion other than say just draw a circle with your hand and thats what it did in the air but flat like draw it on a piece of paper round thats what it did.

Sounds like it did a circle to me!

Cool sighting though, pretty similar to one i saw 4 years ago.

posted on Dec, 10 2003 @ 05:23 AM
yes viewed from the bedroom window and my girlfriend saw it too i woke her up, we were both calm but thought it very weird if only i had a video camera, i was going to take a photo but thought it was waste of time cause it was so high up and it looked like a star, wheres as on a video camera you would of seen it move when you heard the jet buzz it.

posted on Dec, 10 2003 @ 05:31 AM
I saw yesterday a strange star it pulsed red green and blue it was to the southwest corner of Orion was it a star or somehting else. I walked to my local Gas station and walked back it was really cold and I live in a moutains region right now so there was no heavy atmosphere to obsrtuct. Also it was fairly low in the sky anyone have any info on this.

posted on Dec, 10 2003 @ 05:44 AM

Originally posted by blobby
let me start saying what i saw, well i woke up and thought id get a drink an as i was doing so i looked out window up in to the sky, and i saw a light shining looked like a star but was shining what looked like red, blue, and green alternating lights,

Hi Blobby!!

Could I ask *where* abouts in the sky you were looking please? If you were looking towards the East, you may have been looking at the planet Jupiter?? This is currently very bright (around -2.1 magnitude) and would appear to scintilate (and show false colour) due to it's apparent altitude (low) in a dark sky??

I'm not trying to "rubbish" your observation but trying to eliminate possible, alternative, possibilities

posted on Dec, 10 2003 @ 05:45 AM
hmm maybe I saw jupiter. gotta check my local starcharts.

posted on Dec, 10 2003 @ 06:18 AM
Good sighting.
Might be a star/planet but that wouldn't explain the jet or choppers.

Can I ask you where you live, just the general area.

posted on Dec, 10 2003 @ 06:21 AM
I saw this too, only 4 months ago

It's common for stars though to shine red, green lights, there is always some lights in the sky that changes colors

But when i watched it 4 months ago, there were also some 'helicopter's' circling around it, that was weird

posted on Dec, 10 2003 @ 06:22 AM

Originally posted by Britman
Good sighting.
Might be a star/planet but that wouldn't explain the jet or choppers.

Can I ask you where you live, just the general area.

Well, if it was a star, or a planet, couldn't the fact that he looked at it for an hour and thirty five minutes explain the jets and helicopters?

posted on Dec, 10 2003 @ 06:23 AM

Originally posted by Kriskaos
hmm maybe I saw jupiter. gotta check my local starcharts.

Hi Kriskaos!!

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Both freeware too, which is the type of bargain *I* like!!

posted on Dec, 10 2003 @ 06:31 AM

Originally posted by Seapeople

Originally posted by Britman
Good sighting.
Might be a star/planet but that wouldn't explain the jet or choppers.

Can I ask you where you live, just the general area.

Well, if it was a star, or a planet, couldn't the fact that he looked at it for an hour and thirty five minutes explain the jets and helicopters?

Yes of course this is very logical. We only have his word for the fact that this thing moved. Need to confirm this with other reported sightings.

posted on Dec, 10 2003 @ 06:31 AM
if it was a star or planet that wouldn't explain the circular movement. You say that you saw it at 4.25 and watched it for 1 hour and 35 mins. Was 4.25 the time when you first noticed it or the time that it dissapeared?
perhaps you could ask a milkman or postman who would have been starting work around that time if they noticed anything.

posted on Dec, 10 2003 @ 06:43 AM

Originally posted by pantha
if it was a star or planet that wouldn't explain the circular movement.


There's also the possibility of eye strain to consider - watching a "point of light" for around an hour and a half, could give the *impression* of "true" relative movement (indeed, a planet - or star - *would* appear to move in the sky relative to any objects locally, like roof tops, due to the rotation of the Earth).

I guess we'll have to wait to see what other data comes to hand??

posted on Dec, 10 2003 @ 06:49 AM

Originally posted by Genya


There's also the possibility of eye strain to consider - watching a "point of light" for around an hour and a half, could give the *impression* of "true" relative movement (indeed, a planet - or star - *would* appear to move in the sky relative to any objects locally, like roof tops, due to the rotation of the Earth).

I guess we'll have to wait to see what other data comes to hand??

true and I suppose your eyes would be pretty strained at that time in the morning. Also the fact that it dissapeared might be down to the fact that if it was an hour and 35 mins on then the stars might have been fading by then.

posted on Dec, 10 2003 @ 08:13 AM

Originally posted by pantha

true and I suppose your eyes would be pretty strained at that time in the morning. Also the fact that it dissapeared might be down to the fact that if it was an hour and 35 mins on then the stars might have been fading by then.

Agreed! Local sunrise here (Leicester UK) is 0805 GMT, so stars would have been fading before then. The real check, I guess, is to see if the object is in the sky at the same time tomorrow morning (or subsequent mornings) in the same sort of place?

posted on Dec, 10 2003 @ 08:23 AM
yes you should set your alarm for 4.25am tommorrow morning blobby

posted on Dec, 10 2003 @ 09:23 AM
well i woke up at roughly 4:25 thats when i noticed it so i dont know how long it had been there before i noticed it, and it was not a star or planet cause when a fighter jet buzzed it (i presume it buzzed it all i heard was the fighter jet engines go shhhrrrooo ooo oooo noise) and as soon as i heard that this thing moved away from a stationary position that it had been in for hmm about 1hr 30 mins, not sure how fast it moved but it looked preety fast to me from stationary to moving real fast to the right then did a weird circle ( let me explain the circle thing it did, if you put your finger on a desk and draw a circle now imagine that in the sky thats what it did without going up or down and it ended up just abit off from where it was before)

when it moved it didnt pulsate these greens, blues or reds, it got brighter likes a sort of low green but brighter than it was before this was when it accelrated and did the circle thing, then when it stopped it went back to pulsating lights.

sounded like two jets went over before it moved, also after these helicopters went over an this thing had gone, i heard a large rumbleing in the sky like a very big airplane going over sort of like b52's rumble heard rumble for at least 7 mins before it went into distance.

this UFO i saw if it had not moved when this fighter jet or jets flew over above, i would have thought maybe it was a star or something but it moved as soon as the fighter jet came very weird.

when it moved id say it was moveing fast it looked like some weird psyhics cause i sure dont know any craft that can do what it did in the time it did it.

it took it 5 secs to move to right an do the circle in sky it must of moved what looked like from the ground a good 100 feet so i dont know what that is in the air if its diff or not.

i should also add when it moved to the right it went it a dead straight line to right then sudden stop and did a instant circle round in sky without going up or down a level circle like the way a mero-go round goes round, that round wasnt looping or wobbling perfect motion.

[Edited on 10-12-2003 by blobby]

posted on Dec, 10 2003 @ 09:57 AM

Originally posted by blobby
well i woke up at roughly 4:25 thats when i noticed it so i dont know how long it had been there before i noticed it, and it was not a star or planet cause when a fighter jet buzzed it (i presume it buzzed it all i heard was the fighter jet engines go shhhrrrooo ooo oooo noise) and as soon as i heard that this thing moved away from a stationary position that it had been in for hmm about 1hr 30 mins,

Hi Blobby!

Thanx for your further explanation. Can we assume, then, that you watched the object from around 0430 until 0600?
Did you venture outside at all or move to another window to get a different viewpoint on the object?
Did you have any optical aid eg binoculars to help?
Did the object move in the sky, relative to any stars that *might* have been visible or "keep track with them"?
Did the object move over this time with respect to any local objects, such as trees, telegraph poles etc?

What is the normal "flight" activity where you live eg here I'm on the flight path to East Midlands airport, so activity is quite frequent?

Again, not doubting what you saw, just trying to establish what it might have been!!

posted on Dec, 10 2003 @ 01:42 PM
Nice Avatar, Kalastenics. I like Star Trek too.\

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