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Project L.U.C.I.D. and the entities known as phenomenon 1 and phenomenon 2!?

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posted on Dec, 9 2003 @ 07:19 AM
Does anyone have ANY material on the headers I posted because I have only appropriated small caches of info on these subjects that seem 'well-guarded.'

ANY information, specualtions, hypothesis' or contemplations are welcome as these little 'tabloid'
features of conspiratorial agencies and the like are the actual entertainment value of gov't projects realized-IN A PULP FICTIONAL style! (*actual term refers to dimestore novels of past years)

[Edited on 12/9/03 by Lucifer]

posted on Dec, 9 2003 @ 07:31 AM
Hey Lucifer....Why dont you try and Google it? instead of making 2 different threads about it in 2 days?

Why dont you try sticking it to 1 thread?

You still havn't told us what it is you're really after. Just after information about Phenomenon 1 & 2.

Well what are they?
Do you have any idea at all?
Where are you getting your information?
Why is it closely guarded?

What does the "L.U.C.I.D" stand for?

Does it have to do anything with dreams?
Military Projects?
Mind Control?
Experiments with humans?
The Brain?

Cmon give us some info too.

WE might be able to help you out if you help us out instead of just expecting us to know wtf you are on about.?

posted on Dec, 9 2003 @ 07:45 AM
I have learned that those who ask want to know and those who generally post a quick response are just talking to hear themselves.
I have always generally MEANT what I say amd appreciate your above-mentioned desire to know more. I know much but it really isn't about me advertising as: Sage, students wanted, because there are two reasons to post: one cares or has consideration on or of a topic and one needs to 'improve' their self ascribed condition by rendering bulls**t to everyone. Sure I may be eccentric, but I am not insane as I know my phrases are logical and can be checked for error. I often 'test' others by implications that are either subjective or instructional in knowing the only possible responses that one could give at certain times I have queries. How else to appeal to a general demographic than to 'universalize' my thinking into oneness as absolution to equality? I have found Nirvana and I just don't want to, as I am a humble and quiet man, SPELL IT OUT. I haven't quite yet mastered emotional script as guaranteed to be as interpreted as I choose by those who read it, but I NEVER SPEAK IN ANGER and I only highlight the food-for-thought within my posts as to draw one's attention to certain points I choose to make.

I know who and what I am. There are others like me who choose more 'obscure' mention and I do stick out for my diatribe. I just seek those who seek me as I do not require another's teaching for to accomplish my person I wish to create my own reality by perceptibility and acceptibility unto awareness. Soon, just as I have always known:

Those who are ready and able wil come to me and the rest of 'us.'

P.S. Interpretation is not guaranteed. Speculate on your time and by your own strengths and limitations. I am a guide, a traveller and a friend to humankind. It takes one to know one. Peace All!

posted on Dec, 9 2003 @ 07:48 AM
i for one would like to hear more about sounds pretty interesting even tho i have no idea what you're on about but if theres anything i can do to help just let me know k

posted on Dec, 9 2003 @ 08:00 AM

Originally posted by Lucifer
I have learned that those who ask want to know and those who generally post a quick response are just talking to hear themselves.
I have always generally MEANT what I say amd appreciate your above-mentioned desire to know more. I know much but it really isn't about me advertising as: Sage, students wanted, because there are two reasons to post: one cares or has consideration on or of a topic and one needs to 'improve' their self ascribed condition by rendering bulls**t to everyone. Sure I may be eccentric, but I am not insane as I know my phrases are logical and can be checked for error. I often 'test' others by implications that are either subjective or instructional in knowing the only possible responses that one could give at certain times I have queries. How else to appeal to a general demographic than to 'universalize' my thinking into oneness as absolution to equality? I have found Nirvana and I just don't want to, as I am a humble and quiet man, SPELL IT OUT. I haven't quite yet mastered emotional script as guaranteed to be as interpreted as I choose by those who read it, but I NEVER SPEAK IN ANGER and I only highlight the food-for-thought within my posts as to draw one's attention to certain points I choose to make.

I know who and what I am. There are others like me who choose more 'obscure' mention and I do stick out for my diatribe. I just seek those who seek me as I do not require another's teaching for to accomplish my person I wish to create my own reality by perceptibility and acceptibility unto awareness. Soon, just as I have always known:

Those who are ready and able wil come to me and the rest of 'us.'

P.S. Interpretation is not guaranteed. Speculate on your time and by your own strengths and limitations. I am a guide, a traveller and a friend to humankind. It takes one to know one. Peace All!

Well Lucifer from what i can're having a go at me. You're also talking about yourself a lot there.

Let me tell you something about me. I dont want to know you. But i would like to know what you are talking about with this Project L.U.C.I.D and those so called Phenomenons.

If oyu would like to explain anything about what you are seeking, what information youa re seeking, what information you know about, and what this topic is related to...I might already perhaps know something about it and could therefore help you.

But you dont seem to be helping yourself.

You only seem to be caring about yourself as a whole, which is generally expected of self centred humans anyway.

posted on Dec, 16 2003 @ 10:39 AM
You must certainly be talking about the Local Unit Criteria & Indicators Development Project!

If not then you must be referring to Texe Marrs and Project Lucid. Which of course is a bit more boring with it's global conquest by way of computer chip implantation and one combined world wide super computer.

At least those are the only two LUCID projects I know of. Nothing about particular phenomenons of such.

L.U.C.I.D. is not actually an acronym. It's short for Lucifer ID Project.

Ok, it actually means Logical Universal Computer Interactive Database.

[Edited on 12-16-2003 by uIVIa]

posted on Dec, 16 2003 @ 11:05 AM
And if I had to guess...

Phenomenon 1 would be a national ID card.

Phenomenon 2 would be implanted chips.

Get Chipped Today!

Of course, you already have a chip if you have a cell phone. You know that little "memory" card that looks like the thing on the right side of the blue smart card.

As Visa says...


Visa. How the world pays.

[Edited on 12-16-2003 by uIVIa]

posted on Dec, 16 2003 @ 11:08 AM
I'd agree...

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