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Any significance to 12:34?

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posted on Dec, 8 2003 @ 09:20 PM
i've heard alot about people seeing 11:11 alot in their daily lives and it meaning that they will have good fortune and good luck in their lives. well for me, i tend to see least once a day on the clock, today i saw it on the display of a box for a digital clock, the other day i hit the button on my cd player to see how much time was left on my said 12:34 exactly! i just think its a little strange and was wondering if anyone here knows anything about it? thanks!

posted on Dec, 8 2003 @ 10:00 PM
they say once you have an idea like that in your head, you'll search for that number and find it everywhere - for me, it's 12:08

posted on Dec, 9 2003 @ 08:47 PM
so your saying numbers like that, even 11:11, don't necessarily have any significance, its basically all as they say, in your head?

posted on Dec, 9 2003 @ 09:12 PM
I always wake up around 9:34.


posted on Dec, 9 2003 @ 09:35 PM
there is huge signifigance to this stuff. only matrix agents will tell you differently. they will be adamant about it. i will post something reveletory soon.
for now: 1111X1111=1234321

edited for spelling.

[Edited on 9-12-2003 by billybob]

posted on Dec, 9 2003 @ 09:50 PM

anyway, that;s the way it seems to go for me. i wrote report on columbine for my sociology class, and they killers supposedly died at 12:08..and after the report I started finding the time 12:08 everywhere..i would wake up at 12:08 at night, i would wake up at 12:08 on weekends, all the digital clocks at the wal mart near us blink 12:08, and if you watch the movie Pi, it gives an explanation into this

posted on Dec, 9 2003 @ 09:57 PM
The Multiverse and 11:11

Part 1

By Gary Val Tenuta

March, 2003

The following is not intended to be interpreted as "the final answer" or "the gospel truth". Some of it may or may not be literal. It may all be metaphorical. It may all be just creative coincidence. However, having said that, the following is based on the hypothesis that the english alphabet is the currently activated program to be used as a gematrian cipher to decode at least some of the secrets of the nature of our 3-D reality. Assuming that to be the case, for the sake of this exploration, it appears there is evidence (in terms of alphanumerics and symbolic inference) to support the suggestion that our "universe" is a computer generated illusion (via binary computer code) and that there exists a "multiverse" consisting of 144 x144 dimensions of which our "universe" is but one of the total 20,736 (144^). Further, the alphanumerics suggest a solution to the mystery of the 11:11 phenomenon which involves the earth as a fulcrum point between the two "elevens" which are mirror reflections of the unified multiverse.

there may be _javascript, look on the site for 11:11 if you are not taken directly to this article.

[Edited on 9-12-2003 by billybob]

posted on Dec, 9 2003 @ 11:22 PM

up to your old tricks eh,

the numbers get them everytime.

posted on Dec, 9 2003 @ 11:27 PM
12:34 is called the witching hour.

posted on Dec, 9 2003 @ 11:32 PM
Hey there Spat..I have had many many coincidences with these numbers. I will list those after giving you these, they have some of my info on them. . .

Anyways, on with the expierences!

1) One time I prayed, and right when I said Amen, I looked at the clock for some reason, and it was 11:11.

2) I was in the car driving home one day, about oh I would say a week ago, and I am happily driving along, look down, and its 3:33.

3) Another praying expierence. I was rather meditating in the afternoon, I go inside, and it is 4:44.

Weird are some other links for you. . .

(I also see 11:11, 2:22, and 3:33 most often)

^^ Check those out. Anyways, I really have a strong religious connection, and have been feeling something big coming..I just don't know yet. We will see. . .



posted on Dec, 9 2003 @ 11:50 PM
yeah, neo. gotta love the numbers.
webdevil, me too. seems the only liscence plates i ever see have 333, 444, or 888 on them. 11:11 is like an old freind to me now.
555, sometimes.
the hippiedude, 12:34 isn't the witching hour. midnight is. where'd that come from?

posted on Dec, 9 2003 @ 11:59 PM
yea # like that happens to me all the time

but they are just glitches in the matrix....

o wait.... i meant......coincidences....yes

(backs away with nervous darting eyes)

posted on Dec, 19 2003 @ 03:45 AM
My dad ALWAYS runs into 9:11, whether it be on a Clock, or some random number. in January he's flying to Las Vegas, and his plane number is #1191

posted on Dec, 19 2003 @ 06:48 AM
Notice how clocks, in shops, are often set (when "static" to 10:10??

posted on Dec, 20 2003 @ 07:34 PM
I don't know about time, but I always run into the number 23. 23 was my number for football AND basketball by pure coincidence (coach pulled out jerseys and threw them at me both times). Today we driving down the freeway and I saw the number 23 on one o the sand-filled safetydevices in the midsection of the freeway. I also went to a resturaunt today and the order number was .....23!

Kinda Cool!

posted on Dec, 20 2003 @ 08:30 PM

Originally posted by julianvstheworld
they say once you have an idea like that in your head, you'll search for that number and find it everywhere - for me, it's 12:08

but what do they say when the number finds you?

posted on Jun, 11 2006 @ 08:41 AM
Needed a place to get this off my chest. For atleast the past 4 months, I've regularly looked at my watch, or a clock and have seen the clock either change to 12:34 or just be that time. I'm not talking about looking at the time every few minutes, but this will occur perhaps after a significant amount of time of not looking at a watch or clock, ie. several hours. These occurences are of the afternoon kind, though I wouldn't rule it out that it couldn't happen at 00:34. Trying to find answers for this as it is happening too often to be a coincidence and my mind is open enough to accept that it is something intangible, something of another plane. I felt comforted somewhat finding this thread and, despite it being a few years since anyone has entered anything, was hoping that someone out there might have an answer for it. Or suggestions. Anything.

posted on Jun, 11 2006 @ 12:44 PM
i think i can help a little bit here...everyone has an internal body clock. you pick up weird numbers and then once you see that for a 2nd time your brain makes a keeps going on and on. the subconscious takes a look at the clock every once and a while to figure out when the occurence is next. as for the 11:11 i believe that is what's been said here about a window through time. i definately subscribe to an esoteric school of thought so i think its possible that what we call Earth is a midpoint between the lower and upper or possible the lowest point? The world could definately be a lot worse so that's what makes me think its not. We are disconnected from First Source which pains a lot of us deeply while we cannot figure out why we are depressed. The pain of being born leaves scars on your body and mind. If you do not have yourself healed cramped spaces will almost always affect you in some small way...

Ok I cannot describe this but my subconscious mind was hiding something from my conscious mind...I typed in the bit about First Source and then about 30 seconds later my finger dragged over that sentence and took it out...What am I so afraid of seeing in myself that I hide things like that?

posted on Jun, 11 2008 @ 12:41 PM
I stumbled across your question and felt the need to reply. I always see numbers and find great meaning in them through different sources. They bring hope and love.
12:34 is not just another random is a sequence. 1234....
Two sites that may help answer your question :


posted on Jun, 11 2008 @ 09:53 PM
We have a thread dedicated to the discussion of the Significance of Numbers.
Please post your experiences and thoughts there


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