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A Reason We Don't See 9/11 Clips in Major Media

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posted on Jan, 1 2007 @ 02:14 PM
I was watching a video on 9/11 and one of the professors who says that that it was a controlled demo. Asked I good question, did you ever notice that after 24 hours major media stopped playing footage of the towers coming down. Under the guise it was offensive and hurtfull to the families, when have they ever had a problem with this before. Never.

Or was it because of what Dan Rather said on national TV "this looks like a controlled demo." Shortly thereafter no more clips were aired.
Why, because once people separate the shock emotion away from what they see, other people will also think the same thing, and they don't want that.

Only the new media which the government has little control over is showing clips now. Even at the 5 year aniv. we never saw clips from the main media, strange isn't it.

posted on Jan, 1 2007 @ 02:40 PM

Originally posted by Blue_Jay33
did you ever notice that after 24 hours major media stopped playing footage of the towers coming down.

No, I haven't noticed that. I've seen TONS of footage on the MSM of the towers coming down, both broadcast and cable. You couldn't get away from it that week, not to mention the anniversaries.

You must be watching the wrong stations


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