posted on Dec, 28 2006 @ 11:29 AM
Originally posted by djohnsto77
Why not?
I'm all for it!
the only reason for
Why Not? might be that of a
What If?!
for instance What If? the clone steer that these mega food processor corps. decide is the benchmark clone steer ,
has a recessive gene, or something, that is
lethal to you as a person?
maybe its an allergic reaction one may get from that clones meat product
or perhaps theres something in that clone steers body chemistry that triggers cancerous growths in your brain? etc etc
a national/global market of food meat from a single source clone steer or cow is destined for some sorta calamity.
Natures way is to have a diverse gene avoid mass contagions, contaminations, deaths, etc. in populations
so why wouldn't the profit motivated meat factories have a 'stable' of 10,000 clone animals as the diverse clone meat universe??
Because, a profit Greedy corp. might keep down its costs by only cloning a very few sources, to supply this product (need for meat by some people)
thus opening the window for artificial extinctions by bio-warfare by our enemies, or those rare instances of fatal side effects on some consumers.
clone food might be ok, if it is carefully considered,
until then let the buyer beware