posted on Dec, 29 2006 @ 10:04 AM
This would make sense. Bushco. is covering it's ass again.
Just like Bushco's torture bill, where they added pardons for all the senior Bushco party members..
Bush, Cheney, Wolfowitz, and the bunch know that when Bushco leaves office, the #s gonna start flying. After theyre out of the White House, the new
Skull & Bones Presidential elect is going to need someone to blame for all the # were going to be in by then.
With the USDollar plumitting, the War in Iraq lost, and all the illegal # Bushco has done since theyve been in office, they'd be the perfect
candidate to be the sacrificial lamb that the people will be demanding as soon as Bushco's strandlehold on the media is broken.
Or maybe the higher-ups will just nuke a city and take us into martial law..