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Lazar on Art Bell Tonight

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posted on Dec, 6 2003 @ 06:29 PM
Art's having a rare interview with Bob Lazar tonight on Coast to Coast. Be sure to listen if you can!

posted on Dec, 6 2003 @ 06:31 PM
Is thier a website you can listen to Art bell at?

posted on Dec, 6 2003 @ 06:36 PM

Originally posted by ZeroDeep
Is thier a website you can listen to Art bell at?

I just listen off the live stream here:

There's any number of local radio websites that let you listen over the web.

posted on Dec, 6 2003 @ 10:17 PM

See my blog.

I listen to KNYE 95.1 f.m. Arts own radio station. Right now it only reaches some parts of Las Vegas and Nye county. I know a lot of people think Bob Lazar is a whacko, but I believe him. "They" will do anything to make you look and act crazy. I've seen too much around these parts to believe otherwise.

posted on Dec, 7 2003 @ 12:09 AM
I actually beleive Lazar too. I know I'm in a tiny minority, but whatever....we'll never know either way right?

posted on Dec, 7 2003 @ 12:10 AM
hey the live stream off that site wouldn't werk fer me, ah well.

no lazaar for me

posted on Dec, 7 2003 @ 12:12 AM
Just search the net for other radio stations with live feeds. You've still got an hour until Lazar comes on.

So MountainStar, wouldn't it be interesting if you were the one who actually got them to interview Lazar again?

posted on Dec, 7 2003 @ 12:15 AM
Let us know what he talks about for the rest of us deprived souls.

I know that Bob has several ventures going these days in the fields of science and they are likely just as interesting as his background with Area 51.

posted on Dec, 7 2003 @ 12:25 AM

Just search the net for other radio stations with live feeds. You've still got an hour until Lazar comes on.

So MountainStar, wouldn't it be interesting if you were the one who actually got them to interview Lazar again?

Well they probably got lots of requests for Lazar, but I'd like to think it was me.

I did tell them I live in Arts neck of the cactus and they could of verified that through my ISP. YEPPERS it probably was me!

posted on Dec, 7 2003 @ 12:44 AM

Originally posted by Flinx
I actually beleive Lazar too. I know I'm in a tiny minority, but whatever....we'll never know either way right?
I see it like this. How many other credible UFO/ET witnesses give similar testimony? Just listen to the witnesses of The Disclosure Project or Robert O. Dean and his group. None espouse the same ideas as Lazar. Of course, you could make the claim that they do not have as much information as Lazar was privy to or that they were all fed disinformation. As the majority of witnesses do not say the same thing as Lazar, he is certainly on the outs with me.

posted on Dec, 7 2003 @ 02:28 AM
I am listening on the local AM radio. So far nothing to write home about. He's playing his cards pretty close to his vest.


posted on Dec, 7 2003 @ 02:32 AM
He's not really talking about anything. Nothing new at least.

posted on Dec, 7 2003 @ 02:53 AM
I'll say this about Lazar....he seems like a real person, someone genuine, instead of a flake like so many of these people with "inside knowledge" of UFOs.

posted on Dec, 7 2003 @ 02:59 AM
I'd figure he'd just be pluggin his new site.

posted on Dec, 7 2003 @ 03:23 PM

I am listening on the local AM radio. So far nothing to write home about. He's playing his cards pretty close to his vest.


Yep I agree groingrinder. I guess he was told not to discuss a certain issues by his lawyer.

posted on Dec, 7 2003 @ 03:30 PM
Sometimes it is good for your health to not say too much.

Oh well.

I will tell you all when I actually started to believe in Lazar and it is legit.

When I started delving in theoritical physics and came across info on theories and work done on higher level elements that frankly do not exist, I found that they confirmed things that Lazar said about ununpentium for example. Furthermore, Lazar's material hit the web some time before the physics community released their efforts at constructing this element and it qualities. Of course they never did explain why they invested so much to produce this element or what they were really after.

Since this element cannot be found on earth nor can it be manufactured as of yet even by a unlimited budget project, it seemed logical that man would again look out at bordering planets in his quest for the magical substance. I think this may be one of the real reasons behind interest in new moon missions etc.

posted on Dec, 7 2003 @ 03:50 PM

Originally posted by THENEO

Since this element cannot be found on earth nor can it be manufactured as of yet even by a unlimited budget project, it seemed logical that man would again look out at bordering planets in his quest for the magical substance. I think this may be one of the real reasons behind interest in new moon missions etc.

Let us hope they know what to do with it once they actually have some. Since the TR-3 is an operational craft I have to assume there is more than one way to skin the antigravity cat. Let us not forget that David Adair had a magnetic containment fusion powered rocket in the 70's, but we still have not perfected it yet. Perhaps we need to work on that instead of chasing the planets for a miracle substance.

posted on Dec, 7 2003 @ 04:03 PM

Originally posted by groingrinder

Originally posted by THENEO

Since this element cannot be found on earth nor can it be manufactured as of yet even by a unlimited budget project, it seemed logical that man would again look out at bordering planets in his quest for the magical substance. I think this may be one of the real reasons behind interest in new moon missions etc.

Let us hope they know what to do with it once they actually have some. Since the TR-3 is an operational craft I have to assume there is more than one way to skin the antigravity cat. Let us not forget that David Adair had a magnetic containment fusion powered rocket in the 70's, but we still have not perfected it yet. Perhaps we need to work on that instead of chasing the planets for a miracle substance.

All agreed but the TR-3 is not true anti=grav tech. It is using gravity disruptor tech with advanced propulsion. The purpose of creating ununpentium (does intel know something we don't?), was to harness true gravity waves which this element according to Lazar actually emits in excess. Up to this element the output is weak or somehow negative (fellow physics experts correct me here), but element 115 has a gravity wave that can be taken off and amplified and thus you have basic anti-grav tech. You still have the problem of reducing mass but I think the sandwich tech of various elements charged with electricity producing the coronal effect is understood and a likely capability of human tech. Element 115 being heavier than any known element and being totally unstable is though to exist in bodies closer to the sun (if not in the sun). But they may also exist in larger bodies were heat and pressures are greater and thus the density of elements may also become greater.

posted on Dec, 7 2003 @ 05:01 PM
If element 115 has so many excess gravity waves does it float in the air??


posted on Dec, 7 2003 @ 05:03 PM

good question. I can't answer that.

even the element 115 that was produced in Europe and the US only existed for a very small fraction of a second. It existed long enough to take measurements of it to confirm that it existed. This substance is normally so unstable that no-one is sure if it can be a physical substance. Of couse I could be wrong about this.


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