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Danny Bonaduce's take on 9/11

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posted on Dec, 28 2006 @ 06:36 AM

Besides, celebrety opinions about 9/11 are meaningless to anybody with the ability to think and reason for themselfs.
Most of us 'truthers' have researched 9/11 in depth, where as opinions held by people that havent done any research are usually nothing more parroting of the official line.

If their opinion is against the Official Report, then you prasie them! ie:Charlie "the hooker banger" Sheen.

Great thread..... Although I was a Brady follower and Marcia was my woman.....yes Shirly was a MILF, Ruben must have been gay for not trying to tap that !

posted on Dec, 28 2006 @ 01:21 PM
Love all of what John Conner does. He gets it. People 'need' to feel uncomfortable, they 'need' someone in their faces. What Conner is doing requires a devout love for America and nads of steel to persue it. Bonaduce actually was an excellent choice to ambush, he represents the hiveminded/reality show world of arrested development we now live in. Great work John.

posted on Dec, 28 2006 @ 01:32 PM

Originally posted by YIAWETA
Love all of what John Conner does. He gets it.

Not yet, but someday I think he's going to.

Originally posted by YIAWETA
People 'need' to feel uncomfortable, they 'need' someone in their faces.

Really? People need to be assaulted on the street while having lunch? Can I assume you might have a problem if it were a government representative accosting people like that?

Originally posted by YIAWETA
What Conner is doing requires a devout love for America and nads of steel to persue it.

You've got to be kidding. He's another media whore looking for face time.

Originally posted by YIAWETA
Bonaduce actually was an excellent choice to ambush, he represents the hiveminded/reality show world of arrested development we now live in. Great work John.

Yeah, great work. Maybe he can find Screech and ambush interview him about global warming.

posted on Dec, 28 2006 @ 01:51 PM
Danny Bonaduce...On International TV drunk as a skunk, high as a kite and yet he has the testes to allude that this guy even comes close to bringing down America, or Americans for questioning 9/11 or critisizing the President. Puhleez.

Even when he played Danny Partridge he was manipulative. This takes the cake.

posted on Dec, 28 2006 @ 02:00 PM
Hurry yeah, back to the hive!
Conner performs a necessary service. He's caustic , arrogant and informed. That's a dangerous combination for the wool pullers. One day, when you wake up, you'll understand.

posted on Dec, 28 2006 @ 02:12 PM

Originally posted by YIAWETA
Hurry yeah, back to the hive!
Conner performs a necessary service. He's caustic , arrogant and informed. That's a dangerous combination for the wool pullers. One day, when you wake up, you'll understand.

Conner is a rich spoiled brat that preys on people simply for shock, ratings and his bank account.

His moral fiber is like a wet noodle, he lacks integrity and any semblance of intelligence.

And he is the poster child of the left---who loves and adores him---this is truly a sick world.

posted on Dec, 28 2006 @ 02:53 PM
Sleeper, the name is quite appropriate btw. We're still buying into the whole left/right bovine excretions I see!...Wake -up bro and smell the Hegelian ruse !

posted on Dec, 28 2006 @ 03:53 PM

Originally posted by sleeper

Conner is a rich spoiled brat that preys on people simply for shock, ratings and his bank account.
I have always wondered where John Connor got his funding. You seem to speak as if you have some knowledge of his financial status. COuld you please provide me with the facts that led you to this 'rich spoiled brat' opinion?

His moral fiber is like a wet noodle, he lacks integrity and any semblance of intelligence.

ON the contrary. IF, like many of us believe, that 9/11 was at the very least allowed to happen, wouldnt that make his moral fiber like steel, and integrity beyond reproach?

And he is the poster child of the left---who loves and adores him---this is truly a sick world.

You sound ignorant here. He is not a 'poster child' for anyone.
The 'left' cant stand him. You should listen to 'lefty' Alan Colmes belittle John as he attemps to ask some real questions.

posted on Dec, 28 2006 @ 04:42 PM

Originally posted by 11Bravo
I have always wondered where John Connor got his funding. You seem to speak as if you have some knowledge of his financial status. COuld you please provide me with the facts that led you to this 'rich spoiled brat' opinion?

You can ask him

ON the contrary. IF, like many of us believe, that 9/11 was at the very least allowed to happen, wouldnt that make his moral fiber like steel, and integrity beyond reproach?

People can speculate till the cows come home, but badgering Danny about something he obviously was not involved in is stupid. Bonaduce was not in on the 911 plot ---
Nor does he have insider info on it, so why ask him about it?

Connor only hounded Bonaduce for the publicity.

You sound ignorant here. He is not a 'poster child' for anyone.
The 'left' cant stand him. You should listen to 'lefty' Alan Colmes belittle John as he attemps to ask some real questions.

I never said that the left isn’t embarrassed by his antics, they should be.

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