posted on Dec, 27 2006 @ 05:09 PM
14 years. We owe our success to a few things.
We make rules. Like if you want something done, do it. No getting resentful of the other person. We also take responsibility for how we feel. We
don't say, "You make me feel..." anything. We have a lot of these that we've added to over the years. I think they help a LOT.
We never have called each other a name. When we fight (which we have) we fight fair and consciously and never say something we'll regret later.
Sometimes words can hurt worse than anything.
Our relationship is built on respect, equality and accepting the other person as they are. We don't try to change each other. Change comes from
within a person. Love comes easy, but respect and honor have gotten us through some pretty tough spots.
Honesty, communication, calling each other's BS and really wanting the best for both of us also helps.
After 14 years, including a few tough ones, it's a piece of cake, now.