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Shielding bi-product of Gravity Drives

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posted on Dec, 6 2003 @ 12:29 PM
in theory couldnt the EM-field produced by a gravity drive act as a type of forcefield and repel somethings like bullets missiles etc? what are your thoughts and theories

posted on Dec, 6 2003 @ 12:38 PM
I imagine if studied and development was encouraged, something of the like could be made. However, if you take into consideration EM would interfere with metalic and electro implants, the conditions for safety pertaining to the people who have such devices, is dangerous.

Not that it is a bad idea, just at this time not very practical. I'm also not saying it isn't possible, just that is would be highly regulated.

posted on Dec, 6 2003 @ 12:48 PM
well of course the cabin would have a em shield maybe a hight tensile plastic etc.


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