posted on Dec, 23 2006 @ 04:42 PM
From what I know from the alien races, all of them are mortal people, just different race to race- all as alive and physical as we are. It is only
because they use both advanced technologies and natural abilities to meet with us and each other world to world, that encounters seem so strange to
our own primitive, limited concept of reality.
None of them have the extent of disease or violence or crime we do. Most die of old age, and then all pass into the "spirit world" just as we do.
All may live physical lives again, usually within their own race on their own original worlds again, just as we do.
All our visiting races live lives longer than we do, most hundreds of years, and at the most up to 1000 years. All of them are hundreds of thousands
to millions to billions of years longer evolved than we humans on Earth are yet. They also all share the benefits of shared knowledge, which we do not
have access to yet.
[edit on 12/23/2006 by EarthSister]