posted on Dec, 5 2003 @ 01:27 AM
Ok, this is a little more on the "Who" rather than the "Why" but only partially. I'm posting it here cause I've thought about it for a while
now and have now decided to post it.
I was talking to a friend of mine a few weeks ago about the whole JFK shooting and stuff, as all the aniversary programs about it were on. Anyway, he
has also spent time in prison for stupid choices made during his life, and we were talking about that at the same time as well. (BTW, he is not into
conspiracy theories or anything like that at all. He thinks some of the things I tell him are totally crazy, even the simple stuff that has been
documented or admitted to.)
He told me that while locked up the prison had a class the prisoners could take about the JFK assassination. He didn't go to it, but said what
others who did take it told him was that it was showing evidence that it was actually the Driver of the Car who shot him. Now you may or may not have
already heard that theory already, and that isn't my point either, so keep reading...
That theory is, IMO, one of the less common one's you hear about publicly but I have read about it a bit here and there. Once I read about it from
what seemed to be a valid source who I can't recall by name now. How truely valid the speaker/writer is or was I don't know for sure, plus the
simple fact that both sides always say they are honest and the others are liars, so who the hell knows for sure anyway??
The point of this isn't whether or not that theory is right or wrong, but what I couldn't figure out was why would they show that to prisoners in
the first place?? Could it have been the right theory and showing it to prisoners was a plan to try and discredit such ideas?? (Since theories told
by ex-cons would be the least likely to be taken seriously.) Do you see where I'm heading with this?? Why show such things to Cons in the first
place? Why that theory out of all of them and for what purpose?
Any thoughts????