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A plan to get actual proof of UFO and aliens

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posted on Dec, 4 2003 @ 01:48 AM
I want this thread to be about coming up with ideas to get acutal proof of a ufo or alien. I do not have any ideas on how to do it, so i was hopeing some other people dol. If we get proof we can show it to the sci-fi channel.

If i ever do get any proof of aliens or ufos i will not be scared by any one that tells me to keep quite. Just find me proof and i will find a way to get it into the news.

posted on Dec, 4 2003 @ 03:48 AM
Proof of a UFO? That already exists and Sci-Fi is doing a special on it soon. The Rendlesham Forest/Bentwaters Woodridge AFB UFO incident was real and documented by the government. There is no way to deny its reality. Sure some will say it was a lighthouse, though that argument is completely shot down by the crediblity of the witnesses and the fact that it lasted for three hours. To suggest that any of the men involved were duped for that long is preposterous.

Extraterrestrial proof is a bit harder. Though deductive reasoning from the real event of Rendlesham can make for a fairly convincing argument that what was witnessed was extraterrestrial in origin. The fact that such a case was real, and involved UFOs doing something to nuclear missile silos, there is little room to think that a man-made UFO would want to examine man-made nuclear missiles. Though you could argue that this was done to obfuscate a more terrestrial origin of the UFOs being sighted. You also have all the witness testimony that what was seen had to be alien in origin, and Larry Warren's testimony of being shown a debriefing video of an alien moon base film shot by Apollo astronauts. Mr. Warren could be mistaken or hallucinating that part of the event, but since he was a part of a real and documented case, I don't see reason to doubt his story at the moment.

As for physical evidence. Beyond radar returns from many cases, you do have landing zones from several UFO sightings where soil returned strong radioactive signatures, or was changed chemically. And of coure there is Bob White's artifact which for all intents and purposes has been metallurgically analyzed to be considered of extraterrestrial origin.

[Edited on 4-12-2003 by heelstone]

posted on Dec, 4 2003 @ 05:23 AM
That's really the best way to get proof of your UFO, even if you're the only one who believes it. Just make sure you keep a camera/camcorder with you at all times.

Even though many people may criticize and deny your claims, you'll know it's true, right?

I think that's all I have to say on the subject.

posted on Dec, 4 2003 @ 07:52 AM
Proof of UFO's is easy. But proof of alien life visiting earth does not exist at the time (at least that is documented) nomatter what anyone says. UFO's are unidentified. I have seen unidentified objects, so they are real. Everyone has seen something they cant Identify.

Proof of aliens visiting earth is another thing. A 100% believer that alien life visits earth told me not too long ago on this board that we have no evidence of aliens visiting earth.

Now to get this evidence. I have already started a log on peoples claims. I have also started collecting alot of video clips, stories, and other such items that are claimed to be evidence. DMSOLDIER, a member on this board has about every UFO video available on the net. He has been sending plenty of info my way.

What we need to do to start this off. Is go through every single item in these categories that we can find. And do it ourselves. We need to start eliminating everything we can. Comparing, eliminating, and coming up with whatever is left.

The people on this message board are intellegent. We are capapble of getting to the bottom of this question. if we do it ourselves, then there will be no room for coverups and other claims.

It may be that we find that every shred of evidence is inconclusive or fake. All that means is that we are currently looking in the wrong direction.

Ending this, I know I give the impression that I am not willing to believe any of this stuff. That isnt the case at all. I just am not willing to believe anything that cant be proven.

[Edited on 12/4/2003 by Seapeople]

posted on Dec, 4 2003 @ 08:45 AM

But proof of alien life visiting earth does not exist at the time (at least that is documented) nomatter what anyone says.

Actually, there are reams of such proof, more than enough to prove it beyond a reasonable doubt, if this were a court case...but it isn't a court's turning most of mankind's most closely held beliefs and systems, up on it's ear....

posted on Dec, 4 2003 @ 09:00 AM

Originally posted by Gazrok

But proof of alien life visiting earth does not exist at the time (at least that is documented) nomatter what anyone says.

Actually, there are reams of such proof, more than enough to prove it beyond a reasonable doubt, if this were a court case...but it isn't a court's turning most of mankind's most closely held beliefs and systems, up on it's ear....

Prove it to me, beyond a reasonable doubt.

posted on Dec, 4 2003 @ 10:43 AM
There will always be people that no matter what proof you show, the just simply will not believe it.

posted on Dec, 4 2003 @ 10:53 AM

Originally posted by elevatedone
There will always be people that no matter what proof you show, the just simply will not believe it.

Trust me, If you show me proof. I will believe it.

The problem is what one person considers proof, isnt the same to others. For instance, I look to an object glowing in the sky. I dont know what it is. One of my thoughts is going to be, "that might be aliens". I still though would not consider that as proof. Because even though it might be aliens, it might not be. We dont know what it is.

So if you can prove to me what I am seeing in a video, or picture, or in reality, is an alien or spacecraft of extra-terrestrial origin, then I will believe it.

As long as I dont know for sure, I wont be satisfied. Most of the people in here think the government has technology beyond what we know. At least thats the general opinion I think that I am reading, correct me if I am wrong. So couldnt another logical explanation be, a government project? Wouldnt saying, that glowing light in the air is God be just as valid as saying its an alien. Or an angel. These are just as valid as alien visitors.

I do believe there is life out there. I just have a hard time believeing its made it here, and an even harder time believing it is here and noone can prove it.

Someone gave me an example on here before (which I cant seem to find). The person said (not a quote) that if just one out of all the sightings were real, than the phenomena is real. I agree with that. But, at the same time, I think that if there is just one chance that its not real, then you cant say for sure it is.

[Edited on 12/4/2003 by Seapeople]

posted on Dec, 4 2003 @ 11:18 AM
why not get in hundreads of abductees then you could have some hard eyewitnesses evidence

posted on Dec, 4 2003 @ 11:41 AM
Anyone read the Popular science, June 2003 issue, where they try to debunk the whole Roswell Conspiracy?

I have read more information on this site about the proof of Roswell, than what to writers for Popular Mechanics found.

Maybe they should visit here more often, hehe

posted on Dec, 4 2003 @ 11:54 AM
I've met Bill Brazel. His dad was William "Mac" Brazel, the rancher involved in the Roswell Incident. My grandpa was a ranch hand at the sheep farm Mac was the foreman of back in 1947. From my earliest childhood memories, my grandpa would tell me this story of how a flying saucer landed in New Mexico where he used to live. It wasn't until I was around 16 or 17 (1986/1987) that I heard the same story on television and in some books about Roswell. He said that Bill Jr. had kept a piece of the wreckage that his dad brought home. When I met Bill, my grandpa told me not to bring up anything about the crash or wreckage. I didn't say anything to him. Now, years later. I wish I had asked him. I have his address as a bookmarker in my Roswell book. I have looked at it thousands of times wanting to write a letter and ask him, but I know he's been asked the same questions millions of times. Maybe since he grew up with my grandfather, it would be different.
I do realize that everything I have said here will be dissected and picked apart, but I know it's true. Please feel free to question me about the validity of my story.

posted on Dec, 4 2003 @ 12:03 PM

Originally posted by MUDDYFOX
why not get in hundreads of abductees then you could have some hard eyewitnesses evidence

Well, like I said before. If you cant prove to me that youve been abducted, then why would I believe it? So go get hundreds of abductees together. See what they all have to say. Then compile a complete list of claims. Check for similarities. Also, check the mental health of these people. Learn about their childhood. Maybe they lacked attention from their parents. Maybe they were lying. Maybe they were telling the truth. Maybe anything...thats not proof.


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