posted on Dec, 3 2003 @ 11:00 AM
Are aliens crappy pilots?
Ok...first, let's clarify a few things... The crashes occurred mostly during the early stages of the modern UFO phenomenon... This was soon after
the first test of the A bomb kind of announced we'd "come of age" of a sort....
It has been documented in some recovered documents, that radar is to blame for the crashes... I'm surmising that since they didn't use it...they
might not have ever even gone in that direction...and thus, didn't recognize the threat it had on their propulsion system. It's thought that the
radar waves interfered with the gravity propagation waves of the drive systems...and that this caused the early accidents.
This was the real impetus behind project Sign and Grudge...not just observation, but actually trying to bring them down in hopes of capturing more
examples...for back worked. It's my theory that THIS was the main reason the Hollerman meeting even took place, and that one
of the agreement points was sharing the workings of radar, to avoid further crashes. (and afterwards, there weren't many)
You can joke about alien student pilots all you want...but if you look, you'll see that there is an explanation....