posted on Nov, 29 2003 @ 11:54 PM
not on a world-wide scale, just on a AOL scale.
I was in a contest on, firstbreak
for supposed new music acts. you have people vote in for a month. today was the last day to vote.
my group AUDIO-DEMOLITION, damn we been in first for the past couple of days. this afternoon we were up 2% which was pretty big, the voting ended at
wouldnt you know 20 minutes to 12 the girl in 2nd place
jumps 2% on us! just like that, and we had more people voting for us at that time than any other time, and she jumped ahead like that.
Now the tricky sht is that if u see the icon for the contest it got this bytches face there, cause she looks like a porn star, yet theres 4 other
contestants on the board that never had their pic reppin the contest , almost like they had her winnin from day 1. the crazy sht was that she got the
pic time but we were winnin the whole thing! and 20 minutes before the end she pulls ahead 4%? impossible. unless AOL spiked her votes. bastards.
hat sucks about the whole thing is that its for first time artists, this girls been on american idol, she does disney radio spots, she did mad things
in da industry but she wins a firstbreak contest,
4% in 20 minutes? bullsht
imma stay humble though