posted on Nov, 13 2002 @ 12:52 PM
Arab Holocaust In The Making
Nov 12, 2002
By Abid Ullah Jan
Now that the Bush administration has settled on a plan for a possible invasion of Iraq, the fear of Arab holocaust is fast turning into reality.
Imagine the human cost of US seizing most of the country in the first go and the bloodletting that would follow after encircling and rampaging the
capital to get Saddam Hussein.
Imagine the aftermath of occupying Iraq. Surrounded and squeezed by US and its Allies on all sides, frustrated Arab populations turn on their
aging,sell-out rulers in Jordan, Egypt, Yemen, Qatar, Saudi Arabia and elsewhere. Oppressive regimes succumb to public demand and US expands its
occupation drive to other Arab states as it finds another ruse - this time to halt Islamic fundamentalism from taking power in the neighbourhood.
Palestinian Intifada takes a violent turn after Israel's renewed zest to not only re-occupy Arab land but also to go out and settle scores with Syria
and Iran for their "terrorist ties" with Hezbollah in Lebanon and Hamas and Islamic Jihad in the Palestinian territories. The US support intensifies
the conflict.
The US occupation of Iraq, thus, gives way to a widespread "Greater War" in the Middle East in the name of paving the way for "peace" in the
Middle East. Ultimately, peace breaks out with the left over Arabs and trade
blossoms, with Israel occupying almost all the Middle east and its tourists spending millions in Baghdad, Damascus, Tehran and Beirut. But before this
happens, millions of Arabs have faced death, destruction and extermination
-- a fate worse than the Jews faced at the hands of Hitler.
Sound absurd? No more so -- for the US administration in Washington and Israeli officials dreaming of Greater Israel in Tel Aviv -- perhaps, than the
notion, in the darkest hours of World War II, that a post-World War II
Middle East could underpin a Jewish State on Arab land.
Interestingly, it may not be the sort of vision the White House has in mind as it contemplates its next move in the Middle East. George Bush speaks of
a "very different future" for the region with a "democratic" Afghanistan,
Palestine and Iraq "inspiring reforms throughout the Muslim world." Political and economic liberty, he doesn't know, can never triumph in under
We only wish Bush could only foresee what has long been predicted in the Holy Qur'an and sayings of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH). It is wrong to assume
that an occupied Iraqi government heavily dependent on US economic and
military assistance would have enormous incentive to make peace with Israel like Egypt in 1979 and Jordan in 1994. What the American leaders must not
ignore is that Israel is not secretly playing a key role in the US preparations for a war with Iraq for nothing. (1)
Israeli activities are not designed to help shorten any US-led war with Iraq or reduce the risk that Israel would be attacked during such a conflict.
Israel's involvement is directed toward it goal of establishing Greater Israel and according to scriptural predictions, this hope of Israel will come
true at the cost of millions of Arab lives. The perception that the United States is working with the Jewish state to wage war against a Muslim
country has already could undercut the already shaky support for an invasion among "friendly" Arab states.
Those who would like to see what is in store for the Middle East and how the most horrible holocaust of the human history is in the making must refer
to the Holy Qur'an, which clearly indicates different phases of rise and fall
of the Muslims and Jews. It is not considered "professional" to quote scriptures in commentaries and analysis of international relations, but I
believe the time has come to pay due heed to such warnings and predictions.
Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) has clearly foretold that his Ummah would "definitely" go through the same situation (phases of rise and fall) as the
Israelites. (2) The Qur'an summarised 2000 years of Jewish history in a few verses and also confirmed the aforementioned prediction of Prophet
(PBUH). These verses are also a pointer to the future of Muslim Ummah. (3) They describe two phases of ancient Israelites' rise and fall, which they
went through till revelation of the Holy Qur'an.
The Jewish ascendance began with conquer of Palestine during the time of Joshua, the first Caliph of Prophet Moses. This rise took 300 years to
consummate in the period of David and Solomon. The first period of their
fall began with the demise of King Solomon and also took 300 years to complete when Assyrians from the North (587 BC) and then Babylonians from the
South conquered and destroyed Jerusalem. The Babylonians not only took
600,000 Jews (men, women and children) to Babylon as hostages but also ruined the Temple of Solomon to its foundations.
The second period of glory for the Jews covers the period between their liberation by Alexander and the formation of Maccabee Kingdom as a result of
Judas Maccabaeus revolt in Judaea against the Syrian Seleucid king Antiochus
IV in 165 BC. This period of prosperity continued till 67 BC. The second fall of Israelites came with the fall of Jerusalem at the hands of Roman
Statesman Pompey. In 70 AD, Roman General Titus once more destroyed the Temple, killing almost 130,000 and enslaving 67,000 Jews in a single day.
The Jews are still going through the second period of their fall. They are, however, well on the way to their third and final rise.
History of the last 1,400 years is a witness to the accuracy of the prophesy by Prophet Mohammad (PBUH) that his Ummah would go through the same
situations as the Jews. The Muslims, too, have gone through two phases of
rise and fall with the only difference that Muslims Ummah is not as homogeneous as the Jews are. Muslim Ummah was at its peak from 7th to 10th
century. Beginning of power vacuum at the heart of Muslim world took place around 10th century.
The first phase of fall of the Muslim Ummah was no different than the fall of Israelites. The wrath came both from the North and East. Even Western
historians shy away from describing the kind of death and destruction the
crusaders from the North rained down on Muslims in Jerusalem in 1099 AD.
Then came the Tatars from the East, who trampled Afghanistan and Iran and the final massacre of Muslims at their hands in Baghdad (in 1258 AD) was no
less than a holocaust by any means. Baghdad presented the exact picture of Jerusalem when Babylonians massacred thousands of Jews in their time.
Muslim revival began with conversion of Turks to Islam. Khilafah was revived and it spread in all direction from Turkey to Italian borders in Europe
to South Africa and almost all Central Asian Republics. At the same time,
however, the second and the longest period of fall was in the making with military, economic and educational progress of the West. The process began
with fall of Spain in 1492 and culminated with total colonial domination in
18th and 19th, and the end of Turkish Khilafa in the 20th century. For Arabs, the second promise of Allah, however, came to pass with their
disgraceful defeat in 1967. (4)
The Muslims, and the Arabs in particular, didn't take any lesson from the past and present. And the time is ripe for Prophet Mohammad's
(PBUH)predictions -- that Iraq will be occupied and divided, and that the Greatest War will take place in the Middle East -- to come true has arrived.
We only need to look at international affairs in the context of the Qur'an and saying of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH).
It is hard to deny that Arab holocaust is well in the making with the Republicans victory in the recent elections in US, unanimous approval of
US-drafted resolution against Iraq and the US preparations for a war on Iraq. The whole world knows that in comparison to weapons of mass destruction
and aggressive deeds of US and Israel, the war on Iraq is absolutely without any genuine reason at all. Nevertheless, no one can stop it, as the time
for Arab holocaust has arrived.