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posted on Nov, 29 2003 @ 05:21 PM
Hey guys

Recently i have had trouble *of many kinds* and the main thing that has been plagueing me is that my computer hasnt been working right?

I had to clear up my files and i deleted quite alot of my old files and that and seemingly also something called Ncase.

Anyone heard of it?

I must have removed the program when i was clearing my HD up and nothing worked right and my computer froze on me all the time?

I've reinstalled it and everything looks ok so far!

God knows if this is in the right forum but anything u know about this would be a real big help!


posted on Nov, 29 2003 @ 05:30 PM
Try google

"nCase (also spelled nCASE or n-CASE, randomly) is adware from 180Solutions. It consists of a process, msbb.exe, that runs constantly with Windows and shows advertising.

nCase is aware of the FlashTrack parasite and will disable it if it is running, to stop it showing competing adverts. Some versions also seem to connect to the Gator web servers occasionally, for unknown reasons. "

Next time I would just download a program like Ad-aware from and scan your computer. It will detect crap like that and delete it for you if you'd like. Free download.

posted on Nov, 29 2003 @ 06:11 PM
Cheers Sanders!

Also have another problem?

My computer keeps on locking me out after about 5 minutes on the web?

I cant access any menus....the mouse doesnt work and i have to shut it down at the wall socket to get back control??????

Any ideas?

As far as i know my 'dad' has never installed a virus guard into this heep of junk and could that be whats wrong....its picked up a virus????

Heres the comps specs:

Windows XP
Hewlett Packard 7946
AOL Broadband


posted on Nov, 29 2003 @ 06:15 PM
download and install ad-aware and run a scan... should detect more of that garbage and get rid of it all for you. It's probably spyware/adware related.


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