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is the BERMUDA TRIANGLE a inter-dimensional travel gate?

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posted on Nov, 29 2003 @ 05:07 PM
the bermuda triangle is very interesting enigma, ufo's have been seen around it. So ships, planes, boats etc etc go missing, no trace left, maybe they got sucked into another dimension.

posted on Nov, 29 2003 @ 05:16 PM
No. Its not.

I found an article one time saying that insurance rates for ships that travel through the bermuda triangle are actually lower than alot of other places, do to the low respective loss. In other words. Insurance companies have done studies that say you are more likely to sink in many other places.

posted on Nov, 29 2003 @ 05:41 PM
only reason we dont hear about the Bermuda Triangle in news nowdays is, ships, and planes fly or sail ROUND IT and dont go through IT.

posted on Nov, 29 2003 @ 05:42 PM
To answer your question.


Have a nice day.

posted on Nov, 29 2003 @ 10:26 PM
the bermuda triangle is definetly not a gateway to another dimension. An enigma yes, only because so many ship have disappeared there. Check this page out with myths/real facts!

posted on Nov, 29 2003 @ 10:33 PM
has anyone been there? what is it like ?

posted on Nov, 29 2003 @ 11:02 PM

Originally posted by blobby
only reason we dont hear about the Bermuda Triangle in news nowdays is, ships, and planes fly or sail ROUND IT and dont go through IT.

Id like to see some proof of that statement.

posted on Nov, 29 2003 @ 11:27 PM
I am a former US Coast Guardsman.. I have crossed the Pacific Ocean BY SHIP 4 times and I ASSURE you some WEIRD # happens out in open sea... That being said, I won't go so far as to say that Bermuda Triangle is a "gateway" or what have you BUT I will say I have sailed that water and dived in its depths and noticed some magnetic anomolies on instruments...

That's not the point I wish to make here though... In TRUTH there have been NO studies done employing TRUE scientific methodology on the "Triangle". PERIOD. There are a lot of stories out there that claim there have been studies done but there are NO White Papers discussing the results of same.

I have personally spoken with USCG sailors who had spent time out there and they had strange experiences to say the least. I won't recant those experiences here because too m,uch time has passed since I heard their telling and I would not trust my accuracy in the re-telling of them...

I guess my whole point is before we simply poo poo this BIZARRE stretch of water off as nothing I think it should be investigated PROPERLY at the minimum. Obviously this is NOTHING more than my opnion and it's worth EXACTLY what you are paying for it.


posted on Nov, 30 2003 @ 12:21 AM
i personally believe the bermua triangle is a gate away to back in time or so called back to the past.i dont count into how many the ship,aircraft,or any vehicle that gone missing in action,but into what the vehicle carry in it look like the whole battlelion are missing too together with all the millitary logistic that carry in all the vehicle.
in my idea it is better not to listen to the any one but check it by our self about the thing that all the vehicle carry least we think are the US millitary is so stupid to let the ship,airplane to cross over the bermuda after so many report about the missing in action in that place.i think they are not stupid enuff but try to playing in the man history and time

posted on Dec, 1 2003 @ 10:37 AM
i believe that the triangle is just water above a alien base because of all the spacecraft seen going into the water around there also it is well known that the aliens live in the water on this planet

posted on Dec, 1 2003 @ 10:42 AM

Originally posted by seznam
has anyone been there? what is it like ?

It's lovely really. Of course, you have to like the open ocean. Sub tropical, Gulf stream moderated, very beautiful, again you have to love the open ocean.


posted on Dec, 1 2003 @ 10:45 AM
Oh yes, I forgot to mention.

No, it's not a interdimensional base. It has some fascinating geological formations that probably are some of the reasons for ship disappearances.


posted on Dec, 1 2003 @ 10:47 AM

Originally posted by Springer
I am a former US Coast Guardsman.. I have crossed the Pacific Ocean BY SHIP 4 times and I ASSURE you some WEIRD # happens out in open sea... That being said, I won't go so far as to say that Bermuda Triangle is a "gateway" or what have you BUT I will say I have sailed that water and dived in its depths and noticed some magnetic anomolies on instruments...

That's not the point I wish to make here though... In TRUTH there have been NO studies done employing TRUE scientific methodology on the "Triangle". PERIOD. There are a lot of stories out there that claim there have been studies done but there are NO White Papers discussing the results of same.

I have personally spoken with USCG sailors who had spent time out there and they had strange experiences to say the least. I won't recant those experiences here because too m,uch time has passed since I heard their telling and I would not trust my accuracy in the re-telling of them...

I guess my whole point is before we simply poo poo this BIZARRE stretch of water off as nothing I think it should be investigated PROPERLY at the minimum. Obviously this is NOTHING more than my opnion and it's worth EXACTLY what you are paying for it.



posted on Dec, 1 2003 @ 10:59 AM
Probably not.

One of the things that was done was checking the insurance rates of ships that go into the Bermuda Triangle. If they have higher than average losses, the insurance rates skyrocket.

The rates for the Bermuda Triangle are cheaper (lower loss) than for other areas (known pirate areas.)

posted on Dec, 1 2003 @ 11:05 AM
this has been discussed about before, there was a theory put on the table which explained a possible stargate theory

posted on Dec, 1 2003 @ 11:57 AM
Bermuda Triangle, fascinating is it not? All I'll say is, what happened there then is *about* to occur in midwest US, on a HUGE scale. I'm talking about things disappearing, people being able to see around corners (making curved roads look straight), you walking into one door and coming out another in some building in another part of the world. The government will attempt to cover this up to no avail. It'll be too huge. Also, same thing *happened* in Bermuda, it's just densities crossing one another... not dimensions though. 4th density (on which our alien pals are located) and 3rd density (we're it, babs!) kinda intermingled and people got "stuck" in a time loop.. so for the disappeared ships/airplanes they are still there in their space/time.. so for them only like a second has passed.. for us maybe 80 yrs. They have a good chance to pop back into our time loop when MidWest goes outta whack (soon!), so if the news flashes a 1930's plane flying around national airspace, don't be surprized. But the midwest region of US is almost due for some messed up anomalies, pay attention to the news! Better not ask where I got this from, and take it all with a grain of salt. All I ask is you give it an inkling of a thought, nothing more and just be aware of what's going on right under your nose. Never take anything at face value or anyone's word for it, and ignorance is NOT bliss as they'd have you believe. Cypher was wrong

posted on Dec, 1 2003 @ 12:18 PM

Originally posted by Springer
I am a former US Coast Guardsman.. I have crossed the Pacific Ocean BY SHIP 4 times and I ASSURE you some WEIRD # happens out in open sea... That being said, I won't go so far as to say that Bermuda Triangle is a "gateway" or what have you BUT I will say I have sailed that water and dived in its depths and noticed some magnetic anomolies on instruments...

That's not the point I wish to make here though... In TRUTH there have been NO studies done employing TRUE scientific methodology on the "Triangle". PERIOD. There are a lot of stories out there that claim there have been studies done but there are NO White Papers discussing the results of same.

I have personally spoken with USCG sailors who had spent time out there and they had strange experiences to say the least. I won't recant those experiences here because too m,uch time has passed since I heard their telling and I would not trust my accuracy in the re-telling of them...

I guess my whole point is before we simply poo poo this BIZARRE stretch of water off as nothing I think it should be investigated PROPERLY at the minimum. Obviously this is NOTHING more than my opnion and it's worth EXACTLY what you are paying for it.


There have been a plethera of studies done into the bermuda triangle. Turn on the discovery channel. Lloyds of London insures large ships and their cargos. They decided, after reviewing their logs, that the area poses no threat outside of normal.

Here is another short look at the situation (based in reality)

As far as you being in the coast guard...heres what they have to say...

Here also is a quick look at some locations of trouble at sea..... just a sample

I will dig a little more into it, I found alot of information from both sides of the argument by the way.......weird considering you claim there has never been any studies done on the area.

[Edited on 12/1/2003 by Seapeople]

posted on Dec, 1 2003 @ 03:16 PM
Good comments all. Here is another twist. It was recently discovered that large pockets of methane (if I remember correctly) reside underneath the seabed, and errupt every once in a while, sending large bubbles of methane up to the surface. One of those puppies could most certainly drop a ship according to the articles I have read. Below is one of them:

Note the last paragraph . . . As soon as I started reading the article I started thinking "weapon."


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