posted on Mar, 1 2008 @ 04:50 PM
Yeah, I don't think they are really dangerous unless there is a bad seal on the door in which case it can leak harmful radiation. Also as someone
else mentioned I've heard you shouldn't put plastics and Styrofoam in microwaves for health reasons.
Also as Paul said, certain things you just can't do with a microwave, most things tend to end up soggy instead of crispy while others can come out
rather rubbery.
Personally I just don't like the way microwaves treat food (melted cheese especially, and reheating when the center comes out cold) and haven't had
one for about three years. About all I ever used it for was defrosting meat and re-heating leftovers anyway, now I just plan ahead to defrost and
reheat everything in the oven or on the stove top. It takes a little longer, but the payoff is way better imo.
One more note, if you ever heat water to boiling for tea or something in the microwave, let it sit for a while before dropping a spoon in with it,
failure to do so can cause a scalding water volcano to erupt from the glass. Not a fun thing to learn the hard way.
I do miss microwaving cds shiny side up though
the sparks are fun. (although doing that probably gives off a heap of bad fumes...)