i've got a stick from 1991 personalized to me and signed by sergie federov of the detroit red wings. he scored the game winning goal in overtime
against the maple leaves with it. just out of curiousity, how much would this sort of thing go for if i were to sell it on ebay?
i would hold on to the stick as well, what you might do is go to ebay and look for similar signed sticks, would give ya a ballpark figure as to the
I guess it could be worth quite alot as Fedorov no longer plays for Detroit. But i would go along with you lot and say keep hold of it for a few
But then again i have a piece of string,stick of gum and some old foreign coins i would trade for it....
ah, not planning on selling it anytime soon. i was just curious as to it's worth. i've also got a signed puck from when peter klima played for the