posted on Sep, 14 2006 @ 09:40 PM
Don't worry about the Red Sox they got in all under control.
On the contrary, I'll spare you the detailed analysis or why this is the worst thing that has happened ever (on a meaningless sort of way). I mean
they were in first all year. Now I might be a conspracy nut, but more is going on here than you (or I realize). I'd elaborate further but now is not
the time or the place to revaile such life altering details.
I'm curious to think what the more intelligent think about Becket because I'm sorta worried about him. Also some say we don't have the pitching that
we need to contend. The blasphemours are pretty spot on.
To continue the rambling, I had no idea how much Varitek made a difference until he was gone. It's like one of those sae cliches. I hated him all
year (by hate I mean focused all that is wrong with the world) but once he went down I knew we we're screwed.
Out of curiousity, what moves do any of you suggest to fix this situation (by situation I meant to leave that ambiguous).