posted on Jul, 30 2006 @ 03:35 PM
Whether I was a fan of Barry or not, I hate how the feds are just trying to find anything that they could use against Bonds. It's just not right. I
don't care how much of a cheater he might be. If they want to indict Bonds, I feel it must be on Steroids and nothing else. But seeing as how for
the last few years they have been unable to, for anything, then they need to just give it up.
I don't really agree with the gurus. WHile yes, as Bonds has become closer and closer, it's become apparent that he wants it more and more. But I
think in 2005 when he was injured, I think he was truthful in saying he didn't care for Aaron's record... seeing as how at the time, I don't think he
thought it was possible. Now that he sees it is, that's why he has decided he does want to come back for 1 more year. I don't really blame hime
though... if I were that close to that kind of record... I'd be playing as long as it took me to get it. And the few games I have watched with Bonds,
it's apparent he is really much healthier than he was. He obviously can't run much, but he has already stolen a few bases... which should never
happen with him running. If he is in his full healthy state, and he maybe DH's next year, or plays on a highly regular basis... he gets about 30 or
more jacks, and surpasses the record easily.