posted on Jun, 14 2006 @ 11:57 PM
Gotensive, let me give you some advice. I am fairly new to forums in general. In the last 2-3 months I have joined three of them. I always come
across strong--sometimes too strong--but early on I did what you did: caused trouble where there shouldn't have been any. Get to know the people on
this forum before calling them "morons". It's a valuable lesson you have learned.
Maybe you have a problem like I do where you think that you have to put people in their places. (By the way, I'm doing better in that area.) My
advice is to get some counseling. As for BHN, don't mess with him when it comes to baseball--that's why his forum name is BaseballHistoryNut!
Especially don't call him a moron. I mean, just look at the composition and vocabulary of his posts; that is one intelligent man. I once picked a
fight with him, and it was the wrong choice.
As for HOOTIE, you still did not read what that quotation said. Greenies were NOT used to enhance one's performance.