posted on Mar, 7 2006 @ 05:37 PM
OK, great. THANKS you guys. And yes, I've been getting decent numbers of views. And if my posts, because they're infused with facts--and not simple
9-word questions with 2-word answers--are informing some curious people about baseball history, then I'll carry on with them. I just thought that
Belle, because he was so recent, would be an easy one to get.
Then again, the same media that hated and excoriated Belle so, naturally was loath to give prominent coverage even to his greatest feat, the
50-double, 50-HR season. If Kirby Puckett had ever done that, which he couldn't have without cheating (and GOOD FOR HIM on that one, b.t.w.), we'd
all have heard about it 100 times.
Anyway, more trivia questions to follow.