Many people seem to think that the Virgin Mary is in peoples imaginations!
And because MANY do not know the real SIGNIFICANCE of the Virgin Mary.......they simply go interpreting their own views on what they believe to be
Well, Theotoks means......We call the Holy Virgin Mary the Mother of God (from the Greek, Theotokos: literally, the "Birth giver of God") because it
is Scriptural: the righteous Elizabeth addressed the Virgin with these words:
"And whence is this to me, that the Mother of my Lord should come to me?" (Luke 1:43).
Who is this "Lord" of which Elizabeth speaks-? It is Christ, the Lord God.
For this reason we say, correctly, that the Virgin Mary is the Mother of God.
She is not the Mother of God the Father, but' the Mother of God the Son, who was begotten by the Father before all ages, and took flesh from the
Virgin Mary.
Since Jesus Christ died on the cross and rose from the dead, conquering death for us, there is no reason why we cannot ask those in heaven to pray for
us just as we ask those still living on earth for their prayers.
After all, in Christ all are alive.
Therefore we ask the Ever-Virgin Mary pray to her Son for us, just as we also ask the angels, the saints ,and all faithful believers here on earth to
pray on our behalf, as Scripture Commands us to do: "I exhort therefore, that, first of all, supplications, prayers, intercessions, and giving of
thanks, be made for all men... I will therefore, that men pray everywhere (I Tim. 2:1,8).
We turn readily to our friends and neighbors to ask for their prayers in our time of need; are not those in heaven even more our friends than those
on earth? Why should they not intercede for us also before the throne of God?
We honor her because Jesus Christ Himself honored her on several occasions recorded in Scripture.
He fulfilled her requests and also gave her special thought even while He was dying on the cross (Luke 2:51; John 2:3-9; John 19:26-27).
Even before Christ was born, she was honored by heaven when the Archangel Gabriel appeared and said to her:
"Hail, thou that art highly favored, the Lord is with thee: blessed art thou among women (Luke 1:28).
Holy Scripture further proclaims of her that "henceforth all generations shall call me blessed" (Luke 1:48), because from her womb came forth God
in the flesh. This means that all who believe in Christ and in the Bible must give special honor and veneration to the one that is "blessed among
women." It is not enough to merely give attention to her at Christmas-time, when she appears in the manger scenes of western Christian churches. No,
this "highly favored one" must occupy a very special place in the hearts of those that follow her Son, just as she did among the first
We believe that there is only one Lord God and Saviour of mankind, Jesus Christ,
No one is equal to Him, and no one but Him can save mankind. We do not turn to Mary,
the Mother of Christ our God as to a saviour, and we certainly do not put her on the same level as her Son, but we turn to her as to one who helps us
by her prayers, just as St. Paul himself said that he had become all things to all men,
"that I might by all means and in any way save them" (I Cot. 9:22). St. Paul was not claiming to usurp Christ as the saviour; he merely wanted to
help and strengthen others on the path to salvation.
It is in this sense that Orthodox Christians say, "Most Holy Mother of God save us"--that is, "Please help us toward salvation by your