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"PlanetX" not a hoax, just the interpretation.

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posted on Mar, 1 2004 @ 12:16 PM
You are saying the solar system is wrong?


Moreover, the texts have been accompanied by illustrations found on clay tablets or drawn on cylinder seals. In texts dealing with the actual space travel between the planets, Earth was designated as the seventh planet � which indeed it is but only if one counts from outside-in, where Pluto would be the first, Neptune the second, Uranus and Saturn third and fourth, Jupiter the fifth, Mars the sixth and Earth the seventh. In those texts, Mars was called �The Way Station� � a stopover place between Nibiru and Earth.

posted on Mar, 1 2004 @ 12:47 PM
I say the belt was a planet and at that moment of time it was there and before the moment of destruction the ring of the outer planets where not there they formed with the material of the destroyed planey which was the 12th.
I think the space craft was coming from the destroyed one after a cataclism destroyed this planet.

posted on Mar, 1 2004 @ 01:19 PM

Originally posted by LeenBekkemaa
Moreover, the texts have been accompanied by illustrations found on clay tablets or drawn on cylinder seals. In texts dealing with the actual space travel between the planets, Earth was designated as the seventh planet � which indeed it is but only if one counts from outside-in, where Pluto would be the first, Neptune the second, Uranus and Saturn third and fourth, Jupiter the fifth, Mars the sixth and Earth the seventh. In those texts, Mars was called �The Way Station� � a stopover place between Nibiru and Earth.

Doesn't this conflict with Sitchin's own theory? Shouldn't Nibiru be the first planet instead of Pluto? And did the Sumerians suddenly stopped including the moon?

posted on Mar, 1 2004 @ 02:35 PM

Doesn't this conflict with Sitchin's own theory? Shouldn't Nibiru be the first planet instead of Pluto? And did the Sumerians suddenly stopped including the moon?

Hehe...busted....the Earth would be number 8

posted on Mar, 1 2004 @ 02:50 PM

Originally posted by Gazrok

Doesn't this conflict with Sitchin's own theory? Shouldn't Nibiru be the first planet instead of Pluto? And did the Sumerians suddenly stopped including the moon?

Hehe...busted....the Earth would be number 8

Not necesserily, why cant the moon be number 8?? Earth would still be 7 then.

And I am not suprised that Nibiru isnt counted as its number would constantly change as it passed through the solar system and it would also change the numbers of all the other planets it passed both on its way in and out...

Sitchins theory still holds IMHO.

posted on Mar, 2 2004 @ 06:48 AM

Not necesserily, why can't the moon be number 8?? Earth would still be 7 then.

And I am not suprised that Nibiru isn't counted as it's number would constantly change as it passed through the solar system and it would also change the numbers of all the other planets it passed both on its way in and out...


posted on Mar, 2 2004 @ 06:53 AM
Another point, if Nibiru is actually a ship it wouldn't be counted either... just a thought.

posted on Mar, 2 2004 @ 08:35 AM

Originally posted by Faceless
Another point, if Nibiru is actually a ship it wouldn't be counted either... just a thought.

It would be counted, that's also why Nibiru means 'planet of the crossing'. Also look at the tenth moon of the Dogontribe. Especially because Nibiru is of mayor importance...

posted on Dec, 7 2004 @ 04:41 AM
there is much eveidence that around 3,500 we were visited by another humaniod life form (some say lizard like but possibly could have been some kind of protective suite), anyways you think im going off topic this is where i have gotten to in my research. If we have indeed been visited by allien life forms then where did they come from, the answer could lie in the Planet X theory, there is eveidence we have been visited approx every 3,600 years (yep another 100 yers or possibly only a few years to go before we get visited again) which it is predicted that planet X will be within reachable distance to eacth by our know space travel standards of today (though may take a few years to reach us). What is know that because or the eliptical orbit of mars it is in fact likely to be closer to Planet X for aproxamate 500 - 600 years so could be used as a natrual stepping stone to earth, as indeed is prob the case. The Annanuki have settle on earth for periods of around these times only but every 3,600 years or so.
Our orbit is getting tighter and tighter around the Sun just like many of the other planets, there is also eveidence that our orbit around the sun is changing from and oliptical to a circular one (maybe a few thousand years to go before it becomes circular though), the same with planet X, it is in fact getting closer to the sun, though because its further out it has a very elongated oliptical path. when we see things in the night sky its usually due to reflected light, heat signatures or sound waves, if the planet is at an angle where there is no refraction of the sun (same as holding a mirror at different angles) then we would not see this planet even if it was very close, the same applies to radio telescopes, they listen for resinance of a planet, star etc either caused because of light refraction or wobble caused from interaction with another heavenly body. Out little baby we are talking about here is coming towards us on an agle proportional to the rotation of earth 9we are rotating away from it) and at an angle so it will not reflect light from our sun, NASA have declaired they have detected another movement through our solar sytem that could only be caused by a planet about 4 times the size of earth, they have been kicking theories around or possible black holes with the desity of a planet that size because they cant actually 'see' a planet though they have firm in their findings.
All i can add to this is we may not be alone and certianly may have a visit of the 10th planet to our solar sytem within the next 40 years, possibly that planet still supports life and if so you can understand that not only they will want to explore us but that we will want to explore them!!

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