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Darryl Strawberry
12 Mar 1962 Darryl Strawberry born, Los Angeles CA.
26 Jan 1990 Arrested for assault with a deadly weapon, after striking his wife and threatening her with a .25 caliber pistol.
20 Feb 1992 Guest stars in episode 8F13 of The Simpsons, Homer at the Bat, where he and several other major-leaguers are hired by Mr. Burns to help
defeat Shelbyville.
8 Apr 1994 Enters Betty Ford Clinic where he stays one month.
8 Dec 1994 Indicted on federal tax charges, for failing to report income related to memorabilia shows and autograph signings.
1995 Bud Selig suspends Strawberry for 60 days after he tests positive for coc aine.
3 Oct 1998 Two-and-a-half inch long cancerous tumor removed from colon, along with sixteen inches of his intestines.
20 Aug 1998 Sued by attorney Robert Shapiro (of O.J. Simpson fame) regarding contract negotiation fees.
9 Feb 1999 Named spokesman, National Council on Alcoholism and Drug Dependence.
Feb 1999 Recipient You Gotta Have Heart award.
14 Apr 1999 Arrested for soliciting a prostitute (lady cop), and for the 3/10'ths gram coc aine found on his person.
24 Apr 1999 Bud Selig bans Strawberry 90 days because of his arrest.
1 Mar 2000 Enters rehab again, for 3 months.
7 Aug 2000 Cancerous tumor removed from Strawberry's colon.
11 Sep 2000 Arrested for hit and run, Tampa FL.
29 Apr 2002 Sentenced to 18 months prison, a sentence previously suspended, for his coc aine arrest. He serves 11 months.